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Hello there.

It is that time of escalation...again.

I have finished the full correction of 12-3, I think, and proof of the importance of event, the hellishly hot weather suddenly vanished, we got a thunderstorm and  a lot of rain.

If that's not an omen this chapter must stay forgotten, I don't know what it is...

Just kidding.

The totally not-chapter is here.

Due to the fact that I am unable to correct and write at once, the progression of 12-4 momentarily paused between Friday and Sunday for obvious reasons, but you should get a teaser relatively soon.

Update time for this chapter will be in a few hours, the time to adapt to ff.net format, chack a last time, and pray the Swarm for salvation...

Final count is at 41.000+ words, by the way, so this Interlude has indeed been smaller. Mission accomplished.

Now let's return to a galaxy where there's only war...


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