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As promised, the chapter 106 of The odds were never in my favour, Once and Future King.

I am not going to spoil a lot of things if I say it's exclusively focused on the duel between Alexandra and Galahad. To know more, you will have to read the chapter...

I will do my best, as usual to update the beta-ed version as soon as possible.

For the rest of the month...I have not yet decided on the story I will give my attention next. A lot depends on a certain beta, and the delivery of a certain update. That's all I am going to say on a particular subject.

What I am going to say for sure is that I'm taking a few days of break at the end of the month (the equivalent of a big weekend) to go to the holy city of Athena and pray that she forgive me for all the insolent disasters a certain Tyrant is about to trigger on his way to 'resolve' the Great Quest. 

Before that, I can confirm there will be a story update. I just haven't decided which.

Anyway, let's return to Westminster Bridge, one does not make wait the Morrigan...


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