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I am back! (after only one day of silence...)

So the writing schedule for the rest of October will be like this, barring things 'not going according to the plan'.

Preparations and writing of the next chapter of The odds were never in my favour

The preparations will last likely until Sunday, because it's certainly going to be a long and complex chapter...no, it's not just because it's number 99...

After that, I'm thinking more or less one week of writing. 

Then likely a few days to assign to a story I haven't decided yet. Preparations for other stories, reading historical chronicles to stimulate my imagination.

What is certain is that I'm planning to begin the writing of the next chapter of a certain story which shall not be named (but whose initials are TWO if you get my meaning, the count may include 11-5) on October 24 or 25.

This is because I plan for that update (or a teaser or something else who knows...) to stretch well into November...and after that, the poor betas will be asked gently by a Commissar to give it back before mid-December.

Or they will be sent to the Penal Legions after generously being granted one hour of martial training.

(Though this joke was way funnier when some dictator didn't try to do exactly that in a certain part of the world).

Mhh...I think this will be the guideline for October 2022. Unless I have missed something?

Feel free to ask if there's some unanswered point you want a precision about.



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