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This is chapter 8 of an Impractical Guide to Godhood, with 10000 words (approximately).

The Suicide Squad has arrived in time to stop the evil ritual...but are they the heroes this world deserve?

Enjoy the read!



Welp looks like she returned... EVERYONE OUT OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!


oh hell ya that was awesome. I guess now Bianca and Percy joining forces to stall Persephone until Hades beats Hera. also I'm interested as to Hera's plan? I'm pretty confused why did she do everything


Hera did it to have her vengeance upon Zeus, of course. When Bianca became the new Goddess of Hell, Hera would have exploited the 'distraction' as a tool to convince many of the Olympians to turn against him and cast him off his throne. Obviously, I am going to give a bit more details in a coming-up chapter(s)...though this plan is a bit like the dodo, I'm afraid.


Triumphant! That isn't good!! I do wonder where are her Legions? She went down to the Hells with a couple of her Legions. "She has conquered more with less in the past." What happened to them? Looking forward to the next chapter.


Ouch, Hera you should have gone into hiding if you could not cover up you're involvement in this affair. Persephone we'll you need to plan better cause the god of the underworld not actually going to be backing up this fiasco you just made. Unless of course, it is part of said gods' plan to punish Persephone and keep her in line. I am putting down money that Hades activated backup plans the moment he was freed. Zeus oh Zeus I do not think you will be getting anything you wanted out of this great quest no dead sea spawn, no thief brought forth in chains, and no lighting bolt returned for free. Now if you wanted nearly every last problem to blow up in your face Zeus then this is your greatest quest ever Zeus.


This isn't Praes and the Hells associated with it. And since she couldn't storm Hades' vaults, she's operating on a far smaller subject.


Oh yes, Zeus is going to have...err...a lot of problems blown up in his face very soon. And some of them which may not be evident right now but will soon be revealed.


Just read the whole thing in one go, really good work man.

Gabriel Meadow

May She Never --- SHE RETURNED! SHE RETURNED! Doom and... well, I can't say woe, Cat would have my head for that. Magnificent as ever, Antony.