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Here is the first (and probably last) teaser for...it will be the 26th update of Let the Galaxy Burn. It is 5000 words-long, so a bit big for a teaser, since I intend this chapter to be in the 20000+ range.

I will likely have it finished by Tuesday or Wednesday, and it will be posted on the other websites after hours trying to notice all my mistakes.

Note for the update schedule: the next story to be written after that will be most likely an Impractical Guide to Godhood.



Yes it returns

Gabriel Meadow

Glad to see this up! I would be sorry for the Tyrells and the Red Dragon supporters - if they weren't Tyrells and Red Dragon supporters. They reaped what they sowed.


So happy to see this story returns. And yeah, considering how smug the Tyrells were earlier on in the story, it's great to see them wrestling with their own powerlessness. It's great to see more of Sam and Asha here, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the reactions to the events of the last couple chapters.


Yep, if the story started here, I'm sure a lot of people would be incredibly tearful. But people saw them behave while they were at the top of the food chain, so that tempers a bit the 'why did it happens to these nice people?' argument...


You will see more, though the duo is trying to put the events of the Iron Sector's battle behind them...in part because it isn't really useful for this front of the War of the Ten Warlords...right?


sooo when is the next chapter for story-which-should-not-be-named geting posted on fanfiction?


As soon as the betas have finished with it and I'm statisfied with the corrections, which should happen by the end of October at latest. At least that's the deadline I gave them. I think I told it to the readers of alternatehistory, I may have not said it on ff.net...