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Right, let's begin with the bad news immediately: at the moment I'm writing these lines, only one beta has sent me back the version of the huge story-which-should-not-be-named. As a result, there won't be a late August update for that. I had a promise I would receive it no later than the 5, which would mean a general update around the 8 at the very latest.

The good news is that it gave me the opportunity to prepare 8-4, so the moment the beta writing is done, I will begin the accelerated writing of the totally-not-cataclysm which is about to shake the no-galaxy (the 9 at the latest, most likely before). I am also writing a new chapter of the Impractical Guide to Godhood, which will be posted here before Saturday. Today, the small story which name be not mentioned will be posted on ff and and the other websites.

Since one reader asked me the question by PM, yes the odds 87 unbetaed will be posted here once I update the betaed chapter 86 (the First Task). That way we will return to a more normal schedule, I think.

Err...I think that's all for the short-term future. The Emperor strike me if I forgot something...


Gohu lacd

*Inquisitor from GW suddenly materialise outta nowhere*. "Sniff, Sniff... it sure does smell like heresy around here ..."


Quietly disposes of and replaces Inquisitor. "Everything seems fine, have a good day sir all hail Alpharius and all that jazz".


Thanks for the update.


Looks to me like the Emperor is going to smite you. Unless you discontinued Let The Galaxy Burn which I missed.

Gabriel Meadow

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next chapters!