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The madness must continue, my dear readers. I will post soon chapter 2 on all websites, which means chapter 3 is ready for inspection.

Note that this chapter figures a lot of madness, and as such this author declines all responsibility for hysterical crisis of laughter, mad giggles, and admissions into an asylum.

You have been warned.



Amazing absolutely love this story cant wait for the next one


Still awesome genuinely hope this continues as it is rapidly moving up my list of favourites :)

Gabriel Meadow

You are a writing machine! This still is hilariously enjoyable. You know, thanks to you Antony, I actually got into a Practical Guide to Evil!


I haven't enjoyed a PJO story quite this much in a while. And I honestly don't think I've ever seen a proper Joker-esque evil mastermind Percy before. Well done!


I hope firmly much write the first arc. I have it planned, and I want to see everyone's reaction. After that, we will see...


No abominable intelligence were used...the same can't be said about automatons of Hephaestus, of course (evil grin). All is proceeding according to the plan, MWAHAHA!


Thanks, and no, I don't think it has been tried before...which is a good reason to try, in my humble opinion.


Evil is very subjective and let's be honest justice is just agreed upon vengeance with some flowery words add on so it does not always drag everyone else in... or in the case of the french revolutionlots of extra people. We also need to remember the big bad gave a helping hand to his children making a very strong faction into the strongest! This is a very large problem as it means Zeus never needed to learn how to pretend to play fair a lot or care what other people think. So while we may call Percy an evil mastermind just cause of APGTE is he really evil compared too some specific gods?


Compared to several specific Gods, no, he isn't. Well, in fact compared to most Gods, whatever actions the Demigods take are completely justified. Most of them never see their divine parent more than once or twice, and often from afar, and they die before they're eighteen having lived a very miserable life while the Olympians party in their palace. Those rallied Kronos the first time have every reason to be angry, despite some of the changes from canon...

Gabriel Meadow

Great stuff as ever, Antony. I'm awaiting the Olympians receive what they deserve. And the moment when Luke and Ethan recall that Percy has been working closely with someone strongly associated with the Labyrinth. There's always a method to his madness.