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In the interest of increasing the clarity and reassuring certain readers, here is the (not-so-new) altered map.




frank schellingerhout

thx for changing the black letters to red khorn approves

Gabriel Meadow

I suspect Lorgar will employ a planet-hopping strategy, or at least attack only a fraction of the planets at once. Concentration of force, and time - since what he really needs is to clear enough space to perform the Tear of Nightmares and warp to the Eastern Fringe. Cadia, Prosan, Korolis, Kasr Grad, Kasr Partox, and Saint Josmane's Word. That covers both valuable targets and provide a solid arc from which to resist any Imperial counterattacks while Magnus gets down to doing what he needs to for the Tear.


In a way, you're making a very flawed assumption in these paragraphs. Don't worry though, a lot of the Imperium and the Chaos commanders are making the same.


By the Emporer! With SB and SV offline, my expectations and anticipation for your next chapter are only getting higher ... Can't wait!...


Well, I jope you won't be disappointed (grin)...by the...significant gathering of fleets and armies.Only thing that can delay now the beginning of the Black Crusade is the beta-ing of the Ovation Interlude. Should it be sent back, I will take a day or two to correct and post it. But the maps are (mostly) ready, the plot is ready, etc...


I somehow missed this before but I'm somewhat confused, according to the Map Saint Josemane's world, Kasr Berg and Kalsisus are all going to end up in the eye of terror every rotation?


No, the phenomenon you see is the temporary effect of several massive rituals which will be revealed in 10-1. It's Lorgar way to avoid weeks upon weeks of Warfare and assaulting the Cadian System as fast as possible. Of course there's a drawback: it isn't exactly discreet, and the Cadians will know exactly the course you're arriving from...