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The writing of the Ovation Interlude (which should be titled Monsters and Nightmares) won't begin before the end of the month (optimistically, if certain betas answer superlatively quick) but I figure that with 99% of the structure planned out, it was best to work on a new map, since I wasn't satsisfied with the first one anyway. For this one, I used the map of the Great Crusade era in M31.

This was a quick job this morning, but should tease well where the action is going to take place. Obviously, certain locations which are going to appear in the Interlude were already named on the map, and I didn't underline or give them any particular importance...



frank schellingerhout

nice map thx for posting it :D now back in the dungeon the dark gods demand more chapters of weaver :P who knows if ya a good author there might even be solid food for this month feeding time

Boris Michenski

Well, number of Redacted makes you wonder... So, action in Webway, probably Dorn and Yvrain would be involved. Craftworlds also would be involved, either to fight Throne of Oblivion or Fifth Black Crusade - none will try to go against Weaver, they are Eldars but even then they are no so stupid... now. Our braves explorers are going into the great unknown. And Keyfire System what it is? I have two ideas: either Vandire is involved or Kreig is somewhere close. Either way, I'm really looking forward this Interlude, may Emperor protect your braves betas and give them inspiration and desire to work!

Gohu lacd

Finally ! I was wondering where Nyx and Pavia were for months now; glad to finally be able to put them somewhere. Question though : Is this "classified" at the south-east of Ultima the supposed location of Terrathenes ? or another secret of the inquisition ?


I'm betting on a Nostromo POV - we'll see if we're getting (more) tons of adamantium.


I will not bow to the parasites of the Warp! Imperium forever! For the God-Emperor!


Come on, there are only two. I must leave some surprises, no? As you guessed, one of the Webway sites will indeed feature a certain Primarch. Thanks for the compliments and the support!


Well now this has left me intrigued!


This map looks so good!

Gabriel Meadow

Most interesting. I notice that Alaitoc Craftworld is mentioned. The ones who have been sounding the alarm about the Necrons, yet holding off going after Neferten because she's on the edge of (and allied to) Weaver's turf. I wonder if they'll turn their attention to the Throne of Oblivion - unless they know Weaver is getting involved there...


Yep. Alaitoc Craftworld is very much the 'anti-Necron' Craftworld, and they didn't miss the fact several Sautekh worlds have woken up on the order of the Throne of Oblivion of the C'Tan...


Don't forget that Trazyn's base and the Ymga Monolith are able to move, so it isn't like they will be found at the same locations no matter the millennia. And no, Ulthwé doesn't live by choice next to the Eye. I have already mentioned it in a previous Interlude, but basically Slaanesh went to make their escape impossible in order to have more snacks available. Whether it will continue now that Excess has suffered a lot of misfortune...


I wonder where Contessa will appear. Is she on one of [redacted] planets?


Contessa will appear...of sorts. She isn't on any of the redacted or classified locations. MWAHAHA!

Guilherme Bezerra

I really want more about the orks. Where is our favorite mekboy, Brukk Brukk ?