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Obviously, this chapter wasn't redacted with the help of any Abominable Intelligences. No, dear followers of the Omnissiah, no tech-heresy was involved whatsoever in the redacting of these pages.

We even hired a prestigious Archmagos by the name of Belisarius Cawl to check all the potential problems for us. Isn't that formidable?

Sing the praises of the Machine-God! May the Quest for Knowledge continue forever!



Nice. Though since the area will be a null field though, will the Daemons get power nerfed heavily here? If so, that would really be a even fight. They have loads of Psyhic BS and having Noctilith act as a nullshield the moment they touch the Throne itself would even out a battlefield that will be involving the Imperium, Necrons, Daemons, Orks and now Eldar. Only thing missing would be Tau and they still dont exist yet, or if they have, got Exterminatus'd


Oh my how big is this monster... Well thank you and Cawl is getting ready to try to bring his boss back to life. Well amazing as always!


Are the crone blades capable of permanently taking out daemons?


I was in stitches reading how the Necron had a Trayzn Apocalypse occurring! And finding out that not one but TWO of the Ascended Primarchs are going to end up on Weaver's plate? I can only IMAGINE what kind of aftermath THAT will look like :).


Jeez this came out quickly! As always it's impressive on how fast you can write these! Now I'm off to read it!

Boris Michenski

Two millions of Trazyns... it should have been filmed and send to Tyranid main fleet... after that they would have turned and never approched this Galaxie ever again. And so the new escalation is starting. QoB has more or less been invited to participate, poor Maea... but wel she might gain some wisdom and humility. Everyone wants Noctilith... so the final showdown will have Orcs vs Imperialistiic Necrons vs Chaos vs loose alliance of Imperium, Eldars and not Imperialistic Necrons... Power of Friendship will certainly triumph! If five Crone Swords would be there... wonder if Dorn and Jagathai will also participate. And on Chaos side we will have two Traitor Primarchs plus whatever does Fakegrim now count for. I liked how the name of the Operation Stalingrad was chosen. And now it's clear how Chaos forces would get involved... and they would come unexpected... Still it's a shame that this Chaos gathering wasn't interruped by some explosions and "Hail Malal!'"s

Silver Wolf

Well Magnus is fucked if he’s ever put under the effects of a null field. He probably has a way to counter it, but considering what a certain fallen said about Operation Stalinguard it would make some sense if Magnus showed up only to be relatively useless.

frank schellingerhout

thx for the words as always o dear two mill copy's of our dear friend the art collector thats bad news for all involved get a feeling art and furniture are going have have a bad day once vandire hear that its not a defeat and victory in the next campain weaver is planning


We have a new hope with battle of the Death Star and etc. The empire strikes back with Commiragh


So I am interested in the Magnus reveal... from what i remember of Black Library i do not remember him being too hostile to the Imperium after Daemonhood more just chilling on his planet. Could he be planning to sabotage Lorgar?


And the return of the primarchs with magnus , lodger, Russ and Corvus in the eye! Papa smurf maybe, second primarch possible, dorn and khan. The first trilogy is shaping up beautiful! As always great work.


"Tsunami Sabres"? That it is unexpected moniker. What is the source and inspiration? I assume that such nickname was not unveiled so far in canon timeline.


Can't wait to see what rewards she gets out of this campaign. A bit premature, I know, but defeating the monolith and the associated Necron forces, a Black Crusade with multiple demon primarchs, and all of the Orks that will no doubt be left to fight clearly isn't going to go unnoticed.


Be careful about assumptions...but normally, a null zone is a place absolutely devoid of any psychic power. That means daemons can't even exist there. They can't materialise, since they need Warp energy to do so, they are 'blocked' wherever the null field exist. Of course, that only applies where the Necron devices work, the field isn't unlimited in size, otherwise the Necrons would be the masters of the galaxy.


I warned you didn't I? (grin) And yes, Cawl is dedicated to his job...if not extremely fast at finding solutions, since poor Guilliman has already been unconscious for more than four thousand years...


Depends on who wields them, what kind of power the wielder uses to empower them, how willing to die you are (these are most dangerous than the Swords of Vaul)...the Emperor could kill permanently daemons with them, no question. For everyone else, it's a bit more complicated.


Glad you liked it! Yeah, the end of the galaxy has been (narrowly) avoided. Everyone can rejoice...for now. Be careful about assumptions for the Daemon Primarchs. Magnus didn't answer Lorgar's invitation for free...


Yep. If there's something that could have convinced the Tyranids to turn back, it would have been it. As for the Skavens interrupting the meeting, it wasn't really an option, sorry. The Word Bearers are pushing hard on the 'evil vibe' but now that they know that the rats exist, they tripled and re-tripled security around these grounds (if the communication ritual was destabilised, they would likely suffer crippling injuries minimum). Plus they don't want to be on the receiving end of their father's wrath.


He will be instantly banished to be sure. A defeat yes, but hardly an humiliation...contrary to the 'love taps' Leman Russ gave to him at Prospero. Magnus will have an important role to play...and I will stop there before revealing the plot.


Yep, for a second the entire Dynasties had a cold, cold sensation of doom...and then it was BURN THEM WITH FIRE!


Well, Magnus is...a Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch. That makes him not an asset for frontal operations and destroying armies in massive cataclysms (though he can do that pretty well too). His strengths are more the plans and sorcery rituals you don't see coming until they are too late. As for his alliance with Lorgar...well, they're daemons. Every warlord in the room has already likely one hundred plans to betray the others and set up himself as the Grand Warmaster of the Black Crusade. To save the others from their own incompetence, of course.


Unusually, this is purely my own inspiration there, though a bit inspired by 'Imperium Ascendant' where the author made the (plausible) supposition that if Jonson was built to be the perfect General, then the Second was most likely the perfect Admiral. Otherwise everything that follows is on me.


That's likely the new understatement of the millennium, dear reader. It's entirely possible after Commorragh that there were a few hundred planets in some distant regions who ignored who Taylor is and what she did to the Eldar. After the coming campaign...well, maybe there will be a few errant monks on planets who see ships come and go every century? The rest will know her names. And obviously the rewards can be phenomenal...provided you survive the storm which is about to be unleashed. Because the light has woken up the horrors, and the abyss is staring back now.


Welp finished reading it and great as always! Happy to see Taylor finally married was honestly expecting it for the past 5 chapters now. And Vandire sending his son to defend the Cadian gate it's not a bad idea to gain prestige and political power... if the son was competent and I have a feeling he won't be. And the Imperial Navy guarding Cadia won't allow incompetents for long not even one supported or sent there by the High Lord of the Navy. And Magnus has joined Lorgars Crusade which isn't good and while I'm sure Taylor will win it I'm now also expecting her to lose personal friends in this fight as well the stacks are just too high for it not to happen. But I do look forward to this fight it's sure to be massive!


Antony may I recommend one of the worlds Taylor recruits at least one unit of Guardmens from be Elysia. Considering the Elysia Orbital Drop Troops are some of the most technologically advanced guard units in the Imperium and incredibly mobile they would a perfect fit. It should also be noted that Elysia has had a long standing problem with Pirates human, Eldar and Orks so Commargh has likely effected them.

Silver Wolf

They were mentioned in the chapter. The guy who was born in Stalingrad mentioned that while normally it's a good idea to recruit them, the sheer amount of anti-air weaponry the Necrons have would make the Elysians meat shields at best.


I find it most amusing that no one has mentioned the fact that out of the two million copies of said trouble maker a few might have not been horribly insanly flawed, thus fleed deeper into oblivion. And they are now within reaching distance of very very rare historical relics...


I can't wait to see the traitors get stomped!


Taylor was sufficiently amenable to 'officialise' her relationship...and deep down, she hopes it will stop the piles of marriage offers from arriving on her desk. (Big hint: it doesn't). As for the fight...well, there is a reason one of the names for the battle is going to be called 'Cataclysm'


Yes, amusing...well, for Trazyn watching from afar. Not so much for the participants of this battle.


Don't forget, it's the enemy. That means it has a plan, and will try to screw you, no matter how evil. that's why we call them enemies...


Just who are you going to pair up with Missy? A Catachan? They'll need to be... courageous. The woman finds Mechanicus assassin-droids to be boring!


Thank you for wonderful chapter. I have a question about future arcs. After next chapter/interlude will you skip directly to 310M35 or we will see another preparation arc? I’m just wondering how long we will wait for next war of her Celestial Highness. Cheers.


How many batteships does Tayler have access to by now? I think excluding the Astarter ships, Nyx should be be easily able to call on over a dozen Battleships+ by now including admec, Navy and the ecclesiarchy. In the same vien, what about the super heavies? The astarter dragons seems to have been developed pretty fast. Can you write something on the new types of dragons being developed? I don't see anywhere that the rights to Dragons have been sold to any forge world. Is that going to happen soon?


Oh god, Antony you have a very special ability to make things worse than I could imagine. I thought Stalingrad would just involve Necrons, Orks and maybe a bit of Chaos interference. I could even accept that'd it would be fought on a Necron super-deathstar. But throwing Chaos Undivided into the fray supported by two Daemon-Primarchs? Never in my wildest dreams. Taylor is going to be in so much deep shit in a decade, it's going to collapse under its own immense gravity into a black hole of shit. Like Commoragh was bad, but at least she caught them off guard and had Necron battleship support and air superiority. Stalingrad is going to be 10x worse because it's a four-way war at the minimum and two factions want to outright assassinate her as a major objective. It's crazy, I love it.


Wow, to hear that Cawl helped make this is truly assuring. With his help, none of those pesky Abominable Intelligences will get near this chapter. Why, this original manuscript is truly a work of art, unique, a collector's item, a- WAIT, THAT'S NOT CAWL! THAT'S TRAZYN IN DISGUISE! AND HE'S RUNNING OFF WITH THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT! SOMEBODY SHOOT THAT THIEF!


Nonsense, absolutely nonsense. The absolutely magnificent Trazyn the Infinite Collector is nowhere near the author at the moment, nor does he uses any mindschackle scarabs to force him to write compliments about him. Si it was sworn, so it must be.


A lot. But keep in mind that she has to maintain a certain number of assets in the Nyx Sector, given how 'good' certain forges and precious manufacturing centres are. The classes of Dragon Armours as well as a lot of other tech-toys will be explained in chapter 10-1.


I haven't decided yet if it will be 309 or 310M35 when 10-1 will begin, but yes, the interlude is (sort of) the timeskip. While it would be absolutely beautiful to wait three or four arcs of technical innovation before the next battle, I think the battle afficionados (aka supporters of Khorne) would try to murder me...


The good thing with w40k universe, is that you can stay canon, and yet never stop escalating. Yes, this battle isn't going to face the unprepared forces of Commorragh, and it is going to be significantly bigger in scope and danger...which is of course why Taylor is taking a far bigger combination of fleets and army groups with her.


The best Thing from Magnus’s point of view in this, is that no matter what happens he wins. If Lorgar pulls this off as Chaos Undivided he collects favors from him. If Lorgar gets humiliated, he is fine for that too. He does not even have to bring his chapters troops forward, since they will be helping the sorcery to cross the whole galaxy. He helps power the taxi and that is it. He would also be able to point out that his chapter would be almost useless in combat there due to the massive anti-empyrium effects of the Necron. The Emperor is right, this is a massive trap for Chaos. He expects Weaver to have a good chance to pull it off. If they do, every single Chaos Marine lost there will not be replaced. Necron weaponry does not leave much left of the targets. He is also correct that so many moving parts and possible futures are spinning from this collision that effectively predicting the results are impossible even for a Reality Cancer. The best bet is not to play. Chaos though has to show up. If the Emporer can acquire that much Aethergold and get it to Terra and other important sanctums it offers a serious threat to potentially strengthen the tools the Emperor has to work with in the long war. Their own benefits of getting and corrupting the material is also important. The reality tumors also tend to laugh off losses since they are not actually sane. No matter how bad the loss they will shrug it off and go for the high risk items. The Demon Primarchs and others have lost all true agency separate from the tumors so they will just parrot the line. Taylor’s troops are the only ones with experience facing the Necrons, other then the Orcs. Perhaps if she that thirsted was not dead, there might be some decadent Eldar that could advise them, so they have nothing now. She also has been working on specific armor for this upcoming battle, even before she knew it was a decade away. Still going to be looking at 45-80% casualties with multiple units wiped or nearly wiped out out completely. Chaos will have to rely on their foul sorcery to oppose the Necrons, along with quite a bit of time and causality shenanigans. It is not likely they have a large amount of equipment ready to field that is designed to face the Necron weaponry as much of it is either demon engines or else from the Great Crusade. The problems they will have with demon engines in Oblivion should be obvious. A minor comment is the Queen of Blades likes Taylor’s ability to anger powerful enemies and prepare for truly massive battles. She would likely just enjoy watching to see if someone worthwhile emerges from the chaos, so she can challenge them in the future. Taylor has also shown a willingness to actually pay for her services along with asking in a respectful manner. That is a step up in respect compared to a lot of her enemies.


Since there will be bargaining with the QoB and Trazyn, perhaps the Imperium can pay for the release of two primarchs from the Webway? I'd say there aren't many prices they wouldn't be willing to pay... and perhaps a dozen more STCs from Trazyn, just to keep up the winning streak, as a victory celebration.


The Webway is immense, and the Queen of Blades isn't the mistress of the Webway, Cegorach is. She hasn't the slightest clue where the Primarchs went, she isn't omniscient, you know. Plus there aren't exactly prisoners, so paying for something the other party hasn't is not very clever...


Plenty fo good points, in that large review, of course every faction is working on several assumptions which may or may not be flawed...expcept the Orks, of course, they just want a total war fought with the biggest weapons and a lot of dakka.


Well, I was wondering how you bring Malal into the picture without another Eye of Terror. A battle that is nothing but Anarchy, fought over one of the strongest null-points in existence. Malal will be born, but no Reality Tear. Though all that energy has to go somewhere, so I imagine the other Chaos Gods won't be happy to be on the receiving end of that. Of course, that's just speculation.


Zahndrekh, huh? Well he is pretty fun and probably one of the most decent necrons out there, even if he is a bit loopy. Still, now I have a image of him and Taylor having a friendly dinner while Obyrin is in the background fighting off a horde of insects


Well, there are far crueler and less sympathic Overlords over there to be sure. Though it is really best not to underestimate him. Even with his mind-scrambled and the fact he doesn't want to use the 'dishonourable' parts of the Necron arsenal, he's really one of the best Necron Generals.


Not a bad speculation, admitedly. Of course that Lorgar ordered a Black Crusade and is (one) Champion of Undivided Chaos is also significant. Anarchy is very much the antithesis of Undivided Chaos, and the Black Crusade is a symbol by itself. So if symbols are defeated...


In light of: " “Then by the powers vested in me by Chapter Master Cato Valens, Lord of Ultramar and Regent of Macragge, I declare no Ultramarine or any Loyal Successor Chapter of the Thirteenth Legion will be associated in any alliance or military operation with any force following the orders of the Basileia of Nyx. By the-“ " I found it odd that nobody even commented on them acting as a legion, especially in light of the recent discussions of the Dark Angels last chapter and continuing a bit into this one. I get not doing it in public (could set off a civil war) but even in private discussions (or one of the less polite Astartes delegates) not saying anything seems weird.


He was actually deputized by the chapters to negotiate in their name, Antony wrote as much (somewhere). Possibly restricted to Blue Bacta, in which case he took it too far, but what can you do?

Gabriel Meadow

I also feel a little sorry for Master Cryptek Snerfaka. You see how all the complaints Nerfeten made about the Szarekhan Dynasty nobles are completely vindicated. It's funny actually. Almost all the factions in the galaxy right now have experienced the problem of nobles or other high authorities who are manifestly incompetent and delusional. Ironically, the Orks and the Skaven are the only ones without that problem, by virtue of their very simple, brutal governing systems.


Yes, it's a big problem many Dynasties have with their Crypteks-nobles relationships. The Crypteks do all the work, but the nobles are in command.

Gabriel Meadow

One more thing that has occurred to me. A meeting without Leet getting yelled at?! Has Borek's training made him too tired to be troublesome, or is he slowly achieving character development?


A bit of both, to be honest. Plus there are some subjects, sometimes, which won't provoke the wrath of his interlocutors. They are just few and far between...