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Okay, you want a partial update? You have an update, praise the God-Emperor! This is a full half of the POVs planned for the Interlude, with 28 000 words. Let's not say I never give anything...

I think the last part will cheer immensely some readers, but there are also other outcomes which will, I'm sure, create pages of discussion once it's properly published...

I hope to have finished the full chapter at least by the 15th, or at least that's the plan...




I just want to let you know that we love you so so much for all that you do for us


I assume there will be more, right? Like say 42,000+ words? That would be a nice read. So Aurelia is now gonna act as a Mini Isha and slightly increase birth rates and most likely will birth Taldeer? Also, where are the Space Marines of Dorn, since I know they are coming in Legion strength to take Biel Tan to the scrapyard... And what about Macha, who should be a Seer at this point or is she already a Farseer?

frank schellingerhout

thx for the beautiful words interesting revelations with the mini god for the eldar can already see the shipping request's from the forum trolls on that one :D nice going with vandire wonder what his plot will be am thinking he has lost allot of assets and the remaining one's might not want to go against weaver or fear he so much they will make mistake's


Lol, Craftworld Lugganath is the most hilarious especially Lakadieth reaction to the welcoming xd


Just after an annoying day at work, and I get a LOVELY dinner-read! I'm highly entertained by the Silent Death's fury. It is a good showing that the Farseers of biel-tan are not the only beings that are strong. And she's not about to let the innocents suffer for their stupidity. Dragon and Missy's reactions to Taylor's actions are hilarious, as they WARNED her that if she had things blow up in her face again the likely result. I approve of the only remotely sane Eldar in Pavia's promotion; it's OBVIOUS that his people regard his judgement as highly useful. The fact he's regarding Taylor as something to RUN from if she's ever sighted in his area only showcases they need to insure he has many, MANY children, it's obvious he's of rare caliber. And last but by no means least, I see Vandire's getting just a bit upset. I wonder, could it be due to the fact his minions had alligences beyond the Emperor? I would think he'd have preferred NOT to have cultists hatching plots under his personal empire???

Boris Michenski

Ok... this was EPIC. And the ripples are going further and further. So Kharsaq El’Uriaq will be something like Morathi in Age of Sigmar? Anarchi is rising on Sicarus. And yes, shippers gonna go crazy with Aurelia... Wonder how many Eldar children will be born in Ulthwe as the result... Biel-Tan starts hemmoraging habitants and fighters. Wonder how many there will be left to be killed by sons of Dorn. And still unknown what have happened to Contessa... just some unpleasant hints and suppositions. While Malicia gains in power as well. Just one key difference with Weaver. Weaver gains power and followers in Imperium by crushing it's ennemies. While Malicia gains it amongs Chaos by fighting Chaos... But well, it Chaos for you.

Lex Kuzela

I feel so bad for Nicephorus. It sucks being the only sane member of the family in the room. Other than that, this is great; I always enjoy these post-battle consequences.


Honestly, I don't know. I in general try to write a chapter per the basic plot I have structured from my notes, and when it's over, it's over...if it's 42000 words, so be it, if it's more or less, it will be so too. All is proceeding accroding to the will of the God-Emperor...The Imperial Fists have not yet arrived at Pavia.


Nah, what could you possibly give you the idea Vandire is upset? (evil grin)


There will be hints of Morathi, but only in the fact they're both 'dark elves' trying to remove the influence of a past system and forge their own (with them on top of course).


Did Kharsaq just try to set himself up to become Addaioth? Or is this actually going to end up being Blood For The Blood God? I'm also worried that Xerxes is going to overreach and do something that gets him cut down soon.


The Tyrant I believe is either becoming similar to the Heart (a servant of a newborn God) or becoming a new God. And while I doubt we're so fortunate, I want to see Xerxes get skinned alive and rolled in salt. I figure as enraged as he is though, I figure he'll remain sane enough to hold onto his power. No, I figure he'll refrain from losing his cool TOO much; but at the same time he'll begin making moves that show he regards Weaver as an eternal enemy.

Richard Paull

Vandire obviously asked himself "How many heretical/execution worthy things can I scream about in one chapter? Answer: All the things". Seriously, at a glance he said something that would get him killed by what? 5/6 different Adeptus?


Try pretty much all of them, as pretty much all the Imperial branches regard Chaos as something to loathe, and those that don't hate Chaos tend to seriously hate the vice-ridden as parasites.


Yeah an Update when I get up in the Morning! Praise the Emperor and his Saint!


I love this story Antony444!!! Great f*******g Job!!!

Boris Michenski

Another thought: wonder if Yvraine will also receive a visit from Harlequin. In a world that will never be you would have a long travel before which would lead you to be a Herald of a new God destined to kill Slaanesh... well that way is locked for you... unless you decide to worship human's Emperor. The part with Silent King is somewhat worrying. On one hand he’s probably far enough, that there was no influence of Weaver’s actions. So it’s probably Canon event, and just a coincidence, that he decided to turn back this very moment. But… Charnovokh Dynasty was decimated by Behemoth. So is this Hive Fleet the “main Tyranids forces” that scared Silent King in Canon? Or did something change? Like… Astronomicon which begun to shine brighter? By the way, if this battle happens as far away from Milky Way as I think, how could Necron determine which star cluster is Tyranid’s destination?


Necrons are quite literally millions of years old, they have technology we can't even imagine at this point, ESPECIALLY the silent king. They probably used something or multiple somethings in conjecture with their computer and their OWN minds to calculate where they were going


Crossing my fingers that Contessa hasn’t fallen to chaos.


I hope that scout-brother phanuel survived the overdeal


It looks we are seeing the beginning of a new pantheon for the Eldar. Aurelia Malys is starting to represent Atharti the Goddess of Pleasure and Seduction and Kharsaq El’Uriaq is trying to become Addaioth the All-Consuming Wrath. With all theses people falling down all over the Imperium and the information they find out about them. It would not surprise me if the Inquisition start a new order to focus on corruption within the Imperium.


nah probaly caled for doormaker to hit another target of opurtunity gota folow that soomth path


Yes, the Eldar are beginning to rebuild their pantheon...remains to be seen if it's for the best or for the worse. And yes, the formation of the alt! Ordo Hereticus will have its supporters...


Antony I just have to say I am so happy I discovered your content when I did. I have been doing a happy dance for a while since I read this update. Now for my questions: with Malys and Eldrad, were you using Careless Whisper as they met? For the craftworlds that had been off-record trading with humanity (interlude before escalation), will they be facing an altering of their deals from Mechanicum and governing officials Darth Vader style? Will Xerxes the livid try stonewalling Weaver in intelligent ways or will he go through with the eversor plot? Will we be seeing more Eldar-Human dialogue that isn't involving bolters or magic?


I actually feel kinda bad for the poor Skaven priest. Sure, Chaos and all, and it's freeing one's slaves in favor of another slaver, but the poor guy went out like a boss, at least. Looking forward to more!


You know, the more I think about this, the more I suspect that Weaver's being carefully nudged into the position of being a true 'Warlord'. Granted, Taylor's definitely shown she's got the needed skills/talents to make her worthy of her position, but she's reaching levels that very, VERY few humans have ever even came CLOSE to. And most of those were the Emperor of Mankind's Inner Circle. Also, I suspect her 'Dawnbreaker Guard' might end up looking a Dawnbreaker CHAPTER at this rate!!!! :)


I wonder how the Inquisition is going to get Taylor to release the Aethergold into their custody? As an imperial organization they mostly requisition their resources from other Adeptus


I highly enjoyed inquisition chilling out with the wine. Fay =)? I also noticed you have not gotten to any nuclear fire paradoxes; honestly waiting for them to show up the most and be the stuff of myth that will cause every warp horror to shudder in fear. I guess the three are trying to stop several disasters from falling on their heads. Dark space elves did you not notice that you are living in a area that the angle of death controls? Did the 'poor' Xerxes lose his youngest brother, who was a cultist? That is what that scene looked like to me.

Brett Tamahori

Praise the God-Emperor! Cypher doesn't seem to upset about having to update all this plans, I get the feeling he wasn't very attached to the old ones. Wuhan continues to be a screaming trash fire of a place, and I can't help but think that the cultists killing off the current government and then falling over dead was probably pretty good for Wuhan in the long run. Oh, it's Maea again, hi Maea. I like her, apparently my type is 'pretty exotic woman that the plot keeps stomping on' and I see that hasn't stopped yet. I'm hoping with her eyes-on report on the results of pissing off Weaver that Craftworld Malan’tai turns out to be one of the bright ones. Though in this case that probably means 'staying the fuck away from humans'. Though from Aurelia's comment that seems to be general policy for Eldar, at least once Biel-Tan finishes getting its shit kicked in. Man, Glorianas are just showing up everywhere now. It's okay Enterprise, we still love you. Meanwhile it continues to be a very bad day to be a Slaanesh worshiper. And if three quarters of Chaos is pretty okay with Slaanesh getting taken out of play, they are probably less then overjoyed with what Emps is getting up to now that he's a bit more free to move. My feeling is that all of this has been a big step towards him being able to heal himself and some day get mobile again, but such things will probably not happen with in the scope of the story's timeline. Andes Primus still sucks, no change there. And boy, when a Webway Gate goes critical it really goes critical. I'm curious if blast was the gate itself going up, or it just happening to be a place where a tiny fraction of the energy from collapsing parts of the webway bled out. Meanwhile Fazar'nzlath'hesh is having a pretty bad day, and I don't see it getting any better. At this point I'm considering them a bit of a non-entity in the story. Dorn Lives. That is all. Missy and Dragon working hard, and it looks like the upper class of Wuhan is about to get a good purging, probably with fire and Space Marines. Yeah, I was right with my previous comment, this is going to be good for Wuhan in the long run because odds are that whoever gets put in place will be somebody inclined to try and follow Weaver's take on things. Meanwhile Taylor may have 99 (thousand) problems, but money isn't going to be one of them for a bit. And yet more Gloriana fun, though it was only now that I realized it was one, which explains why it made such a difference in the battle. I looked up the name when it first arrived, saw the 'current' one, a Battlebarge, and though "Cool, yeah, they kick a lot of arse.", and totally missed that it was a freaking macro-capital nightmare that had chosen to deal in on Operation: The Dark Eldar's Very Bad, No Good, Day. I _really_ have to worry about somebody that calls themselves Deranged Bishop of a Thousand Foul Siblings ... like yeah, that's Chaos for you. The Emperor really did unleash utter madness onto Chaos, I'm sure they'll all have fun. I see Trazyn the Infinitely Unbearable continues to be very much himself. Huh, she has three of those monsters, I wonder if at some point she'll have four. That would put the shits up anyone that realized the significance. Meanwhile I'm sure the Queen will be delighted by having a bunch of Necron show up to murder her in the Arena, she gets so bored sometimes. At the same time we get to see what's probably the only other group that has, or at least in the near future, will have the ability to pull out new World Engines, I'm pretty sure that Neferten will not be overjoyed to have the King back, and even less so when she finds out why. Huh. I was assuming and hoping we'd get to see more of Aurelia Malys (see again, me having a type for pretty exotic woman that the plot keeps stomping on). I did not expect this, it looks like the Eldar are having a go at rebuilding the pantheon. There was no way she'd ever not agree to this ... she has a future where she can be happy and safe, and I'll be you that's something she's never felt before. It's probably also very useful that this new goddess absolutely understands how far Eldar can fall, and why there are some people you do not piss off. Heh, I didn't think Eldrad still had it in him, this has been a pretty good day for him all in all. Jain Zar is less than overjoyed, and very sane, which is not a quality much looked for in Biel-Tan right now. The main thing I'm glad to see about this is that somebody is trying to get some of the civilians off the craft world before Operation: Biel-Tan's Very Bad, No Good, Day goes off. I hope some of the other lords follow suit, and it's mostly the combat focused crazies that get flattened. The Eldar really can't afford to loose more children especially at this point, and when the Imperium comes for them I do not expect any quarter to be given. Lakadieth has landed on his feet. And this is going to be another Craftworld that really understands there are people and groups you Do Not Poke. I know this hasn't been betaed yet, but I'm seeing a pattern (also in the Silent King section) where you're using genial when I think you meant genius. Lox’ena is on her way to be a bystander to everything else. I just hope for her sake that ends up being a safe place to be. I'm curious if given long enough the humans might end up making more deals with them, Weaver seems to have started the concept of assimilating full-up Xenos into Imperium control, though Sirens don't have the 'cute and fluffy' thing going for them. House Achelieux may do well out of this if they play their cards right, the trick is to play fair and open with her. Taylor likes it when people do that. And above all else, _stick to any deals you make_. She does _not_ like oathbreakers. As always shit has happened and now the Inquisition has to deal with the fallout. I'm sure that Countessa will show up at the most annoying time and place, it's her 'thing' after all. Huh, Taylor is _really_ making a go at 'can we incorporate Xenos into the Imperium'. The idea of the Sirens getting made an offer at some point isn't as crazy as I thought, though that may not be for generations. Lisa continues to be helpful in her own weird way ... so true to her namesake there. Ahzek Ahriman is having a bad day, which is a good thing. Malicia is being a complete gremlin, which may or not be a good thing, but it made Ahriman sad, so that's a highlight. We have another Eldar god spinning up, and this one isn't nearly as cute. Though Vainglory is exactly the kind of aspect to lead to the kind of fuckups that end up with getting eaten by Chaos and/or Weaver. So this one might not be around as long as they hope. I have a feeling that House Vandire may not make it out of this story alive, though Nicephorus shows that at least some of them can maintain an accurate view of the situation. I think at some point Xerxes Vandire will find that that 'fake saint' is considered a lot more critical to the survival of the Imperium than he is. I'm just not sure if his end will come via formal execution, assassin, or a group of Custodes show up and politely pass on the Emperor's request that he stop breathing.


Yeah, a good thing you saw the perspective from the slave, because the perspective from the Skavens was not exactly that 'heroic'.


Indeed. Plus there's the big question 'can we really force her to do anything she doesn't want?' now that Commorragh is gone...


Yeah, Chaos is also very busy making sure the ceiling doesn't fall upon their heads...and the problem with paradoxes is also that the moment causality destroys everything, nobody remembers there was anything wrong...


“No,” Neferten added regretfully after an instant of reflexion. “We will try to kill her when she will come to fight in the Nyx arena, though I am far from confident of success when millions of years have failed to inflict her lasting injuries.” Is Taylor actually planning to build The Queen of Blades's new arena in NYX!? I cant imagine the Inquisition would be ok with this. I always assumed that the new arena would be built in the one planet of the Brockton System. Nearby, Weaver owns it, but none actually lives there


For the moment, the plan is (potentially) to build the arena on a space station in the Nyx System, but nowhere near the inhabited planets. You know, just to avoid the problems which come with its destruction...Brockton has the problem of not having any spectators for the arena if the Queen of Blades arrive without warning, unless one counts the Necrons...


How exactly does the geneseed tithe works? Because one way for Taylor to reward the Astares chapters that participated in Commorragh by allowing them to rebuild their numbers faster is to pay for the genseed tithe from her own huge stock. In fact the Inquisition allowing such deal can be the carrot they can use to allow them access to the Aethergold without trying a stick that might not be big enough when the Custodes ought her a favor.


It's rather complex, but it's in general calculated in function of the number of Space Marines in active service and the size of the existing stocks of gene-seed. The more you have obviously, the more you must pay proportionally. And no, nice try, but 'exchanges' of gene-seed like that are against the law. A Space Marine Chapter can give gene-seed to another Chapter (if they're the same gene-line of course) to help replenish grieving losses, though Terra tends to frown upon the practise, because it makes the Astartes totally independent of the Imperium...

Matej Kovačić

So I wanted to ask, what does the Astronomican do to the Warp exactly? At first I thought that it acted like a lighthouse, shining through the Warp and giving us a point of Origin for the Navigators to use. But in his segment Khayon describes the Astronomican as a "spear of golden flames and light tearing apart reality of the Eye". Does that mean that the Astronomican can physically influence the Warp and those within it? Because if that is the case, I have this wonderful image of the residents of the Warp looking in utter fear as the light is slowly inching its way towards them and there is nothing they can do to stop it from eventually reaching them and destroying them. 😁😁


first let me start with SKAVEN then carry on with thank you for them..... and finish with a question will the astronomican reach the now randy farseer making babies with not going to be evil queen trope Dark Eldar lady or stop short of there? or does it already? does this retreat of the eye mean some nice corrupted STC's turn up? two questions I know but hey what can you do????

Guilherme Bezerra

I honestly love this interlude chapters. The reactions are so nice to see and develop though some questions deserve special mention: Are we going to have more of the Phoenix Lords showing up and smack talking Biel Tan ? Or at least the final realization among their blind leadership of how much they screwed up ? And are we getting the meeting between both primarchs later ? Last but not least can we get the one of the meetings between the high lords and their reactions ?


So Xerexes is the official Master of Administratum or is it still a few days before he becomes a High Lord? I am so curious to see what the announcements in the senetorum will be and the reactions of the various groups.


It is both. Navigators far away from it and describing it within the protection of a Gellar Field see it as a beacon guiding them. But for the Traitor Legions inside the Eye, the psychic power unleashed by the Astronomican reacts very badly with the power of the Empyrean...with the aforementioned consequences described. It is not exactly 'influencing ' the Warp, it is just burning a lot of things which are on surface of the Sea of Souls...like the planets of the Eye of Terror for example.


Compliments appeciated for the Skaven...and sorry, no answers for the questions.


You plan 1 huge interlude? And next is main chapter?

Mackenzie Buckle

well, it looks like wine is going to make a comeback

Michael Zalesny

Will arc 10 feature a time skip to the fated Nyx vs Zion throwdown or its prelude? Or is there a endbringer or two that need encountering beforehand?


A couple of questions: 1) From Friar Achelieux's POV we learn a bit about the prize system, can you explain more? 2) Is Xerxes Vandire just raging about the fact Taylor gained glory when he wants her to suffer and die, or is there something specific in the message that he's raging about?


No, there aren't going to be that much timeskips...and yes, there are a few Endbringers going this way before.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Do you think the Tyranids need to be 'provoked'? They are just sailing towards their next lunch, and Szarekh is blockading their way to the galactic meal...


The prize system is explained later in another POV further down in this Interlude, you will have to wait a bit. As for Xerxes he's raging at the challenge of his authority, yes, the fact his plans have come crashing down, the number of his supporters who have died due to Taylor's actions, etc...


Wow, I just realized, Taylor now has several means to purify the corrupted planets of Neptunia system (Lisa, aethergold, herself 😂 etc). So, on top of the three planets, a new sub sector, she is got some prime real estate in Nyx. She can totally get the Ad mech to invest in forge worlds for Nyx.......to be callled “The dragon worlds”. Man, I can just see a pair of forge worlds in Neptunia system producing dragons and beer 🍺


Now that's an excellent idea. Not sure I will go with it, but it's definitely amusing.

Matthew Moore

Fairly certain they’re being evacuated by that one eldar lady that smacked the Farseers of Biel Tan down verbally.


Now that the battle is over, I can only imagine the amount of pampering and care Lisa is going to receive. I can imagine a entire cult will form around her, as she is a living artifact of both a saint and the god Emperor.


Furthermore she actually have measuable positive effects on her surroundings, and if she poops expect the poop being used as holy fertilizer for holy plants