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Trevayne has finished correcting the last chapter, and I hope Thanathos will send me his part of the betaing soon. 

So waiting for the final draft, the map of Commorragh 80 hours before the Mark of Commorragh. Port Carmine has been incinerated, the outer defences of the Dark City have fallen. Plenty of tunnel-gates have also been disabled or exploded.




I figured out that the ports are Hexagon, but what are the circles and boxes = ???


The Hexagons are the bigger sub-realms, the circles are mid-sized sub-realms, and the boxes are the smaller (and non-critical) parts of Commorragh.


Key from the previous map: "The red colour is to symbolise the sub-realms and Gates under the control of Dynast Xelian. The blue colour is for Dynast Kraillach, who controls the Blue Sun forces. The grey is for Dynast Yllithian, who controls the White Sun fleets and armies. Areas and lines in blacks denote the realms and gates which are fought over by the Dynasts, are shared or are under some minor faction's control. In violet the places where the three Dynasts' forces cooperate and are united in purpose. The gold is for Imperial control." I presume green is necron controlled and filled brown is destroyed?