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Fair warning, this chapter is...extremely violent. The Battle of Commorragh has come, and no side is interested in offering quarter. Plus the Port of Lost Souls is, for all intent and purposes, a slaver port where most of the Dark Eldar are busy torturing and enjoying the suffering of billions.

The Webway is at war. And Taylor and the forces of Operation Caribbean have thrown the gauntlet.

Pray the God-Emperor and go to the battle-stations.

Commorragh must burn...



we all know Taylor needed a small challenge anyway, I’m sure invading/ utterly wreaking a chaos gods home is a decent enough start. After all comorragh isn’t the goal it’s just the place with the doorway to said goal.


I have to say. I love every single bit! Even Drezhar short-lived appearance is more than overcompensated by Lelith Hesperax appearance! I hoped for Sliscus warning to be about her, but the spin you pulled on her tale is of epic proportions


PS. Is it too bad to hope she gives middle finger to Slaanesh in person?


Well, Taylor challenged Khorne from the beginning; the Weaver of Fate was second. Now She-Who-Thirsts is RUNNING to make him/her/itself the 3rd. Kinda curious to see what Nurgle does later for her affront/daring in challenging his mastery of plague carriers. Her scores against the Chaos Powers at this rate will end up making her being hunted by any would-be Black Crusade caller a must. The Dark Eldar have definitely gotten a good solid taste of Weaver in her I'm a WARLORD focus. As I noted before I'm sure she's already turned into an S-class threat already in their eyes. What's coming next will only underline that. And the Queen of Blades herself is coming! The FUN just keeps coming!!! The hints that Taylor's already surpassed "mere" humanity are getting MUCH brighter. Biel-Tan is charging into a Disaster of truly GOD-LEVEL proportions, and you can bet the saner Eldar are not going to be thanking them; or helping them beyond shredding them to pieces in an effort to avoid things getting even worse later!!!


Love the chapter. I really enjoyed the short 5537-k interlude! I'm also looking forward to more eldar reactions, especially after the arc is finished. Actually, there is a lot of reactions I'm looking forward to seeing.


I am prety sure that her absolute control over any kind of inscet/arthopod alredy brings her on nurgles shit list...


Thanks, this one was...not simple to write. But yeah, the Eldar post-battle reactions will be extremely funny to write (and read).


Somehow I am imagining Khorne sitting on the skull throne and watching all of this while munching on popkhornes (Instead of corn it‘s made from heating the skulls of Khorn‘s victims until the souls pop from the inside - also blood flavoured).


According to the kill count 4.5 billion eldar are dead. That's straight up excellent. That's probably the greatest victory against the eldar the imperium has ever achieved. And it's still ramping up! So many great things! Bel'tain is making arrogant mistakes and going to get their shit rocked, Eldrad bring like "Batten down the hatches! Ya scurvy sea dogs! this shits about to get wild!"

Lee Moffat

I love the decision regarding Lelith here, it does a fantastic job of establishing why she's SO supremely skilled. Likewise, I'm loving the mad levels of escalation presented here to the point where I'm half expecting the Tau to turn up and join in with their deadly sticks and stones just to be included. I can't believe I missed the obvious aspect of the Emperor that Taylor has taken on, it was hinted at so often. Likewise, Slaanesh's overwhelming response was far greater than i expected but that comes down to not realising that he/she had been trading too many futures in the warp stock exchange and Taylor is bringing about a crash in the excess market.


Ha! Ha! Well, he is the God of carnage and slaughter, and what's happening at Commorragh definitely qualifies...


Yes, and don't forget the...it should be around 25+ billion xenos mercenaries the Drukhari kept in service (mainly slave overseers, bodyguards and stuff). For the Dark Eldar, it's around 2.3% of their population gone in 19 hours. And it's the battle continues escalating...


Yes, I always found very, very curious the authors of w40k never developed her character, because fighting in the arenas night after night against enemies pumped with hyperstimulants and emerge without a scratch betrays a difference of level, especially when you have just speed and skill, that is completely ridiculous. Simple odds should guarantee Lelith is killed in a few weeks. That she never was can only be explained by daemonic assistance (because in Commorragh, the good deities have long been killed) or she's far, far more ancient than the oldest Drukhari playing around. Yes, the shard is obvious in hindsight, isn't it? Yep, Slaanesh has realised the mistake of having one powerbase which can be destroyed. Perfect analogy. The crash is going to be...violent and incredibly humiliating...

Michael Zalesny

Ive said it before, ill say it again... you magnificient bastard

frank schellingerhout

thx for writing it loved reading it will be fun to see what weaver will do to she who thirst

Richard Paull

I wonder what that archeotech is? Presumably the Han Combine was a company/state within the Federation...


You're welcome. As for where She-Who-Thirsts is concerned, well part of the Emperor's plan has been revealed: kill as many Drukhari as possible, and let the rest of the temporal paradoxes explode in Slaanesh's face...


I can confirm the Han Combine of Mars was one of the big megacorporations of the Federation, yes. For the template...you will have to wait a bit (grin).


By God Antony you don't do anything by half measures do you? This is so good i'm just going to say you should publish this now everyone needs to read this it would be a crime to make them wait.

Boris Michenski

Ok... the first part was aleardy all over the Escalation scale, you just exploded said scale now. Most of revieuw will once again wait for official release... as for now. It's from bad to worse for Drukhari (someone will have to add it to TV Tropes) - three fronts are not enough, now Slaneesh is at the Gate. Why fight against Drazhar, who while canon badass here died without much fanfare was what cemented Taylor's Sainthood? Did she feed on him being " a symbol of defiance and hope against Chaos and the Ruinous Powers"? Oh, and I think you mismatched objectives (C and D)


We are humans. We never do anything half-way (grin). Well, the finished version will be better...so there will be some wait, I'm afraid.


Glad to hear it! Yeah, it's a very, very bad time to be a Drukhari. And it's far from over...


My vote for the god that laughs at the end of this is going to be Cegorach. Twenty minutes matter not to him moment Cegorach noticed I believe he made a plan and the dead clowns just simply could not be told in time. The rotting corpse would never make a deal, nor would Cegorach ever trust the corpse to follow through. My bet is Cegorach makes a gamble with weaver to not just screw over Slaanesh, but a stab at Chaos in the hopes that Slannesh dies in the end or crippled forever.


I just noticed that there IS a primarch in Commorragh or at least in the webway. You god damn tease


NIce to see what Sliscus did with his last command he sent out before his death. The Queen of Blades looks like an interesting fellow and something tells me that she and Weaver will be forced to work together in the future. Especially since not all player have joined playing field at Commorragh and some people do not like it when someone is trying to crash the party by knocking down the door.


Maybe, but before that the Queen of Blades will want a grand duel with the Queen of the Swarm...


Hasperax... There's a Novel explaining her Origins, "Warrior Coven", so I assume you regard it as non-canon. There's a summary of it under the planet "Hasperax" on the Lexicanum Here, I post the link for copy: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hesperax. Other comment I have can wait until AH gets the chapter.


Yes, I read this novel and regard it as completely non-canon. To be honest, I'm amazed the writer was authorised to publish it with the benediction of the High Lords. There are so many problems with the content and the canon conflicts it creates...sigh...so yes, definitely non-canon.

Matthew Moore

Just how many medals and promotions is Taylor going to get out of this anyway? I feel like those in power may be getting quite nervous at how fast she’s been climbing the ranks.

Guilherme Bezerra

Are we going to find out what are/were all the objectives mentioned ? Even the secondary ones ?

Richard Paull

Been re-reading it and during the Custodes section, he mentions that this is the second time human titans march in the Webway. Is he talking about the Imperial Webway project/battles, or did DoAT manage to get in at some point?


I'm pretty sure he's talking about the webway war when Magnus shat the bed and broke the imperial webway, the custodes and sisters of silence were fighting in there to stop like all the demons from devouring terra


A lot, though fortunately for her, all the forces under her command can't giver her official medals, since she's their commanding officer.


The primary ones are going to be mentioned chapter after chapter. The secondary objectives will be tallied after the battle is over.


I was just rereading but from the sounds of it Cegorach was going to try to unleash more then one primarch. If you look back at the deal a "clown" said at the end of the path was hope for your primarch. In this chapter we find out the "clown" had shown the path to Aeonid Thiel to free another one Further more the "clown" path got Aeonid Thiel called hero three times one to save Khan then meet up with trapped spacemarines most likely. Then what was the other two times? It has to be a event equal to saving a Primarch... Now this is going to drive me crazy hope you are happy!


There is a better then average chance that Cegorach is going to use this gambit of the Emperor to fuck with She-Who-Thirsts. Mostly like canon having to expend a serious amount of energy to try and save the Dark Eldar and perhaps succeed however doing so fatally wounds them.


Is the Emperor literally planning on ending Slaanesh right now, find out next chapter. Holy Hell Anthony this is great, I'm cackling like a loon, thank you very much for this glorious Story.


Thanks for the support!


Slaanesh is going to have a new level of loathing for the Emperor before this arc ends...