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I will eventually have need of new maps for the Nyx Sector once we got to Arc 9 (guess why...) so I began working on new templates to use later. Here is the map detailing the Neptunia Reach Sub-Sector where Taylor reigns. 

In other news, I am beginning work on the next chapter of Let the Galaxy Burn right today. Once it's done, I will return to the Weaver Option.



Lex Kuzela

This is really nice, thank you. It's also very good news, as I seem to be going into Weaver Withdrawal. Also, my guess is that either the Nyx sector is gonna get bigger, either due to Taylor's accomplishments or those three planets that she might be able to finagle out of that bounty; or one or more of the planets are going to get blown the fuck up.


confused: Is this part of your PJO fanfic? or something else?


You're welcome. As for the speculation, well I won't comment for the moment...(grin)...


This map is for the Weaver Option (w40k/Worm crossover). I have published a Nyx Sector map a while ago (while I was busy writing Arc 5 I think) but there were only the star systems, not the categories of planets. And of course it was the entire Sector in one go (5 sub-sectors).

frank schellingerhout

hmm four more system to rulle perhaps more me think its a good guess there be more penal legions in the furture in this story

Boris Michenski

So... trying to guess why would you need a map of Taylor's closest stars... I see several possibilities. First: Waver need more space in order to fully use some of advantages she'll gain after Carribean. Possible more production that can not be put on Nyx (Dragon had already offered to builds Tanks outside and was shotdown). Second: she'll need place to settle Rashans. I'd say Feudal world would be the best, but neither Iron Drakes nor even Eclisearchie (I guess Iris visions is their) won't like it). Third: it's not just luck that Neptunia System (where Weaver Option did start in ten thousands years in the future) is in the middle of the Map. It seems strange, as whole sistem is corrupted and under carantine, but who knows... May be after Carribean Weaver would be oversaturated with Emperour's purifying power and in dire need to disharge it womewhere...


Given the general level of loyalty of nobles, penal legions are more or less a certainty...


The Neptunia is still under Inquisitorial quarantine, yes. It doesn't need to stay that way forever, now that the Warp Storm is gone. And yes, it was in the middle of the sub-sector...maybe because it was the previous sector capital before being engulfed in a totally coincidental warp storm. As for the reasons, well Arc 9 will really explore what Weaver can do with the reputation of the Battle of Commorragh on her CV...


I have a feeling the planet count is going to increase for Nyx system. Blue anchorage had what 6 well sized moons and let not forget Nyx itself had one that was in use, just not colonized. Costly yes however I feel the amount of money and favors flowing from a victory at port of lost souls will make it rather simple. Flip side Weaver might be forced to turn them into mini hive worlds due to the crowds of the faithful flooding Nyx. If I remember right Neptunia system had a forge world in it also. With the the sector capital being a hive world plus two more I can see why Chaos would want to get rid of the system as it give Imp of man a rather strong holdout far from others sectors eventually it could become very valuable sector. Why is their no torch planet in the torch system? Didn't Alamo get closed down? So I guess in no longer going to be pink for a penal world?

Lee Moffat

One thing I'm curious about is the connection between the different systems, is that to do with ease of travel in the warp between these locations or something else. I thought that warp travel was only an issue when outside interference is involved like warp storms so I'm not sure what's going on there.


Think of it as a known path through the warp currents. You avoid unknown under currents and warp monsters, thus far safer way to travel. Closer you get to Earth safer it gets as Emperor light is stronger forcing the forces of Chaos back deeper into the warp.