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All right, this will be the week-end update. This is roughly one-third of what I've written so far, but I have taken the time to correct it.

There should be enough to content the reading desires of a few persons...


Boris Michenski

Ok... so my supposition was at least partially confirmed. Necrons and Imperials will invade Webway... But damn, as Weaver said it's ambitious! So apparently attack will target not only be Pandaimon. But still ennemy will still be Druckhary,.. But you also said there would be Beil Tan? Will they try to invade Webway profitiong all the chaos Taylor's attack will cause? You can also expect Chaos to intervene... And while we are at it, is it still according Cegorath's plan?


My applaud goes to Sliscus. By not wanting boring battles, he makes things entertaining for us all. Necron bit was highly amusing. I also find that while Traevelliath is madman with spikes of ingenious slithery, the next bext thing to him is wytch trio... Which certainly speaks of how low the race has fallen, indeed. I am somehow assured that Sliscus might survive being beheaded (drukari do have some mad resurrection rituals, after all, which grow a new body), so worry goes to wytch trio, they amuse me :)

Alexander S

Ah so that explains how that trapmaster Ultramarine lost in the Webway fits into this arc. I wonder how much of this now ordered attack on the Webway is a distraction for the Chaos Four so that they lessen the pressure on Terra enough for the Custodes retrench. At even that much of a victory would let the Emperor cut loose a couple more Custodes to run around and actually give orders in the Imperium he's in charge of.


Yeah, but for the mad resurrection rituals of the Haemonculi to succeed, someone has to survive and go back with a piece of yourself back to wherever you have stashed your cloning facilities...Bloodweaver operated the same way, and well, there isn't much left to him after the insects devoured him...but yes, Sliscus is all about entertainment and playing the role of the dasdardly villain.


The moment the Custodes gave the orders of the Emperor, you can say safely NOTHING is proceeding according to one's plans, and that includes Tzeentch, Cegorach, Sliscus...the only Warp entities not upset by this are Gork and Mork, because all they care about is a good fight, and the clash ahead is going to be particularly explosive...

Jim Murphy

I both love and hate you right now. I was wondering Taylor would create the Sisters of Battle from Ophelia VII?


Thanks...I guess. And technically, they won't be the Sisters of Battle of Ophelia VII...since Taylor has never set a foot there. As for the origin and the reasons of their creation, I'm afraid you will have to wait until Arc 8's end...


You've got my attention. I wonder what the Necron Lady will think when she realizes the Emperor has found himself what might possibly be an Heiress to his Empire? Or at the least a HIGHLY terrifying Lady to administrate a large section of said Empire? I think after that realization the Infinite Thief might end up being tapped to act as go-between more often. To Taylor's infinite regret :).


More Please I need my fix!

Mackenzie Buckle

this preview certainly answers some questions


Neferten: Is it too late to organise an interstellar exile to another galaxy?


The question now is if the Necrons World-Engine can pass true the webway gate. If it can I can guaranty that many citizen of Commorragh going to run around like headless chicken or going to be like Sliscus and charge it like a horde of orks.


I doubt world engine would fit battleships is more likely variant I think Trazyn own flag ship would be largest that can


i can honestly say that i was wondering how this battle was going to be something that would be talked about and remembered by the rest of the imperium but this definitely would do it. i cant wait for my next hit...i mean chapter to be dropped. Also what are the chances that she can convince Trzyn to lend a hand so that he can get more pieces for his collection, gonna be lots of one in a millennium opportunities in the next few days to enlarge his collection.


Hmm I wonder which Impererial forces will be helped and thereafter pulled into Weaver's forces and how many shyny new stuff will Taylor get in the aftermath.


That's a good question...and you will have the beginning of the very big answer once this chapter is completed...