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It is to write new chapters, of course! (evil grin)

Shadowpoint 7.1 is at last over and has been sent to Thanathos and Trevayne. Depending how fast they complete the good work, expect a full corrected version on Christmas.

Now brace yourselves. This chapter is Warhammer 40k and Worm at its finest, and I'm sure many are going to scream when they see the cliffhanger at the end...


Richard Paull

Christ... 31k words? This chapter is a small book in its own right.


is Tzeentch's trap what Sliscus is talking about with hoth ?

Mackenzie Buckle

the wait for Shadowpoint 7. 2 is going to be torture

frank schellingerhout

nice chapter thx for writing it yay for v2 of the first major battle now im going to have to check on legal options for that cliffhanger its just cruel not even in 40k do people suffer so much

Richard Paull

Yeah, I wasn't sure what I was expecting. But that ending was equal parts evil and glorious. Well, I guess we can somewhat understand Taylors apparent award for this... considering who just got directly involved.

Boris Michenski

Well... Pirates didn't last long. And tons of Adamantium now in Taylor's hands are nice touch, king of ransom ransomed himself. And Necrons are already here: two Space Titans are about to clash. And Taylor may even not be around to see it: who knows where Emperour's will will take her? Sliscus twarted one of Tzeench's plot, not the only one I imagine. By the way, I thought that Hort was aiming to become Demon Prince (a frequent aim amongs these guys) by sacrificing Pavia and a Saint. Was I right?


Sometimes I wonder why I read your stories all you do is leave me hanging and wanting more!


It was definitely one trap. Whether Sliscus managed to deactivate all the traps will of course have to wait the next chapter...


I'm going to begin work on it by Monday. I hope (crosses fingers) it will be a bit smaller than this one...hopefully. Maybe. I have still a great shodown between a Space Hulk and a World Engine to tell...


Yes, Hoth wanted to get closer to Daemon Prince status (whether he would have been granted is up to Tzeentch's humour, of course). Sliscus and Weaver together are powerful symbols each for their own species, and a system drowning in daemons is a way to receive the blessings of your deity. Alas for him it didn't work, and the Ruinous Powers are not noted to be tolerant with those who fail...


Torture, pleasure, agony and more pleasure, in all likelihood...(grin)...


You evil bastard. That was beautiful.

Jim Murphy

That was an evil cliffhanger. i would drive off to keep reading it.


If only Pierre have been quiet. The recording of the meeting between Lady Weaver and the leader of Rashan to there submission to the Imperium, could been view to the public on the power and majestic of the Imperium.


Wait a minute, did the Necrons just emerge from a moon sized FTL gate inside the sun? Now I'm wondering how the next fleet is going to turn up and whether it will be Chaos or Biel-tan.


Glorious! I really like how everything went here! Moving Hulk is badass! Necron Moon is also badass!.. Do we have a badassery showoff now? Yep. And no one likes Tzeench


Bah, that why the Imperium employs propagandists. With a few judicious modifications, it will be perfectly presentable! (the Dreadnought by consequent will stay silent of course).


Of course! Sliscus is not going to let himself outstaged by a bunch of decrepit metallic skeletons...(grin)...

Boris Michenski

In other =circomstances I'd say, that Imperial forces now have a chance to observe the power opf the World Engine from the sidelines, without being massacred by it (as in canon) priceless oportunity... but with an Custodies on a bridge, I'm not sure even Taylor or Inquisitor or Archmagos would be able to remain mind on such task...


Oh don't worry, there will be plenty to analyse later on...and not just the power of the World-Engine.


I got the feeling the new guy is their for the trade as part of the trade itself. That said I feel that his words will actually save the day long term. The inquisitors do not follow any real laws and without the Emperors blessing the space pandas will be murdered by few inquisitors even if it pisses everyone else off. Also +1 space marines chapters for finding flamethrower or something along those lines. I sorta disagree with the bounty collecting part, yes the one reduced to ash would be a problem if one did not have a rep of the fabricator general saying yes we reduced them to ash, I dare you call us liars. They do have the ship parts for the other one and while collecting instantly will not happen give it a few years she should able to collect it. I find it funny Sliscus is saner then Hoth also great job at making him a badass. I cannot wait to see the rest of 7 turns out with all those titans with the armies of the hammer and cog ready to roll out. Also two great swarms need to battle =)


The Inquisitors are really powerful, but they are limits to their authority. Two of them learned it to their sorrow at Wuhan. It doesn't matter if you're an Inquisitor if a Necron spirits you away to serve as a trophy. Thanks for the support, continue to read and comment!


how have 2.5 million tons of adamantium ingots help pay the expedition ?


Adamantium, especially with maximal purity, is one of the most precious materials in existence. Critical fortresses, starships, Adamantium power armour, Mechanicus Forges...the Imperium at large is perpetually in quest of the stuff. And the price per kilogram is roughly 755 000 Throne Gelts. Does it answer the question?


Love the chapter! Truly cant get enough of this story. Seems like the salamanders and maybe vulkan will play a bigger role later? Hmmm


When will she meet the DEATH core of krige?


It's going to be a bit difficult right now, because Krieg is average Hive World right now, and the Death Korps of Krieg do not exist...


Foolish Tzeentch, you’ve fallen right into the Emperor’s trap. You may have all sorts of plans, counter-plans, preparations and contingencies, but it will all be for naught. For the Emperor has tricked you into making a critical error. You’ve done the one thing you should never, EVER do as the evil overlord on the verge of victory. You started monologuing. As the self-proclaimed Architect of Fate, you should know better than to tempt Murphy. You may be able to exert your influence on a galactic scale, but Murphy’s Law exists on a universal one. He is not merciful enought to let arrogance such as yours go unpunished. And so I say this, on the eve of your new disaster. Nothing is proceeding quite as you planned it.

Boris Michenski

Thinking about future battles... I got an idea. Tzeentch did say about Emperour planning to sacrifice some Eldars for the good of humanity. And during this chapter there was mentions of Pandaimon... So I wonder if some plans of this aborted attack could be recovered... such as this "hidden Webway". And if in the end the benefactor of Sliscus would get much more that he bargained for, when Pandaimon would get attecked not by a coalition of Pirates fleet, but by joined Imperial-Necron Armada led by Trazyn "Gimme-Gimme!" while grabbing everything around him. For such opportunity he may even be willing to part with Geneseed. Because honestly... for now Taylor's army didn't get occasion to fight.


Well that would fit somewhat with the harlequin said a war in the web way.


Your reasoning is correct in several areas...in others not so much (evil grin).


Hrud Migration!! i pity the Rashans, even Orks are known to be pushed away by does and forced to find new places to live and fight, no wonder the Rashans lost their homeworld, i feel sorry for them.


Yes, Hrud migrations are...more things you try to survive than things you fight. The fact the simple decision of closing the distance means getting an unbearable dose of entropy makes these enemies more complicated than the Necrons to fight, which says quite something. The most common reaction of the races living in this galaxy is to get out of the way and only then to try to mitigate the damage by purging what's left of the xenos. Even Space Marine Legions have broken their teeth on the Hrud.