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This is about half of the Weaver Option chapter I've written so far. If you are nice boys and girls, you will have the rest...in a while.

More seriously, I think the full chapter will be over by Friday-Saturday. It will be in all likelihood published here first in a week.


Richard Paull

Curse you and your constant teasing! O_o

frank schellingerhout

been a good boy this year and i see a ncie reward incoming ^^

Boris Michenski

Ok... that's glorious. And I'm ashamed to admit, that I didn't really thought about Hoth as Tzeentch worshipper. While it's very logical is a hindsight. And of course Serpent is far more intelligent and dangerous than all others... But he is crazy, want to have fun and is far to arrogant. So we will see how it goes.


Guess no pirate leaders beside Calico are to survive? If not Weather, then Serpent. Was just hoping for some deviations from assumed total destruction ;)


Yep, I left a few clues here and there but no one mentioned it sooo...(grin). And yes, Sliscus is the most experimented, vicious and tactically-minded of the thirteen. Too bad for the pirates he's also the craziest by several leagues...

Boris Michenski

And now I'm imagining Tzeentch after his first plans failed (not sure if Hoth is even concidered as such) "So... you have seen throu that and bested my first pawn. Well, I was ready for that!" Some others things happens, attack Taylor got crushed. "Ok... not bad, but I'm Architect of Fate! I have others plans prepared!" Rince and repeat several times. "Damn it! How does she do it!? Damn you, the last Ultramarine from M45! If not for you she would have been with ME!!!"