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Like the name implies, here is the situation of the Reach Sector after the Battle of Highgarden lost by the Lannisters.

The systems still under Aegon-Tyrell control are in red, the Lannister-Joffrey conquests are in gold (since Tywin is not among them anymore), the Dornish are in orange, and Stannis is in brown.

As you can see the Tyrells have taken a series of defeats which would have destroyed most of the other factions...




Interesting, I see Stannis crossed the Mander before taking all of the Reach systems he could, or did he leave a smaller force to sweep up Uffering, Sloan, and Tumbleton. Similarly, I am a little surprised the Lannisters didn't take Coldmoat since they did go for Red Lake.


The other big question is just what sort of deal Starpike has been given? They are colored orange, but des that mean they have completely joined the Dornish or are they just allowing passage to avoid being conquered by the Dornish?


They have joined the Dornish. The Tyrells would never believe they 'just' allowed passage in front of overwhelming force anyway.


There is a Storm squadron incoming to take these last three systems, but they're not a heavy priority. As for Coldmoat, it was defended by several warships and unlike House Crane they invested in modern fortifications.