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This is the unbeta-ed chapter 63 of The odds were never in my favour. The title is Fear the Dark Queen. Enjoy!


Boris Michenski

I always thought that Avada Kedavra was overrated, and glad your russians agree. Still, why this Russia has Tzar? It was Emperour (not THIS one) since Petr the Great. What will you be working on next? I'm always looking forwrd more of Weaver.


The 'official' title is Emperor. But everyone not invited to the Russian court is nonetheless using the tsar title.


I'm been going back and reading the first chapters. Does some of the things in the first chapters effect the later to any degree? It's just I re-read Morag's House oath with Alex, and the Merlins Bane thing with a Golden shield blocking it. The former I can't help but feel like foreshadowing, but the later seems out of place given the Morrigan's power is a green light. Flitwick's dueling capabilities also come to mind with the upcoming tournament.


For the moment, many things which have happened in the first chapters, but with the Tournament getting closer, you can bet some of the earlier events are going to have...unforeseen consequences.