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All right, it's update time. Bad news, there won't be a complete chapter this day. Despite the canicular temperatures, my writing speed was excellent, but the chapter has grown and grown...and well, I think you all know how it ends. The chapter isn't ready to be published, far from it.

That isn't to say there's nothing to read. By now, Decision 5-4 Shadow of Legion is about three-fifths done ( a polite way to say there's still two-fifths of the content to write) but I am hopeful I will be ready to hand it next Thurdays to Thanathos.

Hopefully. Maybe. 

Fair warning, the chapter is already as big as Decision 5-3, and contains instance of: shameless thievery; anti-Tinker protocols; girlfirend issues and xenos-issued quests.

You have been warned. The Emperor protects!



That was great cant wait for the rest of it.


Love it keep up the great work and try not to burn out these chapters are huge!!


I wonder who curates the Mechanicus Noosphere Sipping forum and if at some point the Nyx sector wil host a 40k version of PHO?


From what happened on Earth bet, I think you can hazard a few wild guesses (grin)...


I like it. will be interesting to see how the rest of the sector is reacting to what is happening at Nyx.