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Systems supporting Aegon VI Targaryen and House Tyrell are in red.

Systems conquerred by Rhaenys Targaryen are in orange.

Systems conquerred by Joffrey Targaryen are in gold.

Of course, a lot is subject to change now that Mace Tyrell is prisoner of war and the Master of Highgarden has received the defeat of the century...




Interesting question, which way are the Dornish going to go and whether they can get past Starpike? From previous discussion, the Dornish want to grab systems, but they don't have a big fleet. That suggests they will want to avoid fortified systems, like Starpike and Highgarden. So I am guessing mainly east toward Cockshaw Plains, Longtable and Grassy Vale. Looking forward to finding out.


Since apart from the mobile fleets, the Sector is hidelously vulnerable, the Dornish have many, many ways open to them for conquest...