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 Hello to all!
I go by Antony444 on several websites and I'm writing  fanfiction on several universes, mainly the A Song of Ice and Fire books  from GRRM, Harry Potter and the Warhammer 40k universe.

My stories are:

A Different Weasel makes a difference (COMPLETED):  an AU ASOIAF story, the point of divergence is the death of Lord Walder  Frey, Lord of the Twins, and what this particular death will change in  the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. This story will be based on the  behaviours, plots and strategies of canon, but will begin to massively  diverge from the work of GRRM as the story progresses. The beginning  will concentrate on the Westerosi civil war (aka War of the Eight Kings)  but other realms and protagonists will be included as the world is  threatened from all sides by legendary threats.
Warning:  Unlike most ASOIAF fanfiction, this story is presented on the form of  an historical record of the events which happened after the death of  King Robert I Baratheon. As the period is somewhat chaotic, a lot of  details have been lost, exaggerated or simply omitted. This to show how  the characters we love and hate will enter the annals of Westerosi  history...
The Epilogue has been posted.

Let the Galaxy Burn: An ASOIAF Space Opera AU.
It  has been 283 years since Aegon the Conqueror was crowned, and the War  of the Usurper has left the Seven Stellar Kingdoms of Westeros on the  brink of collapse. The madness of King Aerys II Targaryen and the  kidnapping of Lady Lyanna Stark by his eldest son Rhaegar have plunged  millions of men and women into an ocean of violence. Once united under  the same authority and the Iron Throne, thousands of warships clash in  the depths of space. Entire continents are reshaped by the thunder of  tanks, artillery and orbital strikes.
At the Trident, the Rebels  suffered a heavy loss when their leader Lord Robert Baratheon fell at  the hands of Lord Randyll Tarly. But the war is not over, and as tens of  thousands die every day in the general indifference, the Targaryen  dynasty and the lords still fighting under their banner starts to  realise this is merely a prelude. Bitter feuds are created, and will  last for decades. Ancestral households are burning. Fortunes are  destroyed in a matter of hours.
Warriors may kill and find glory  in epic battles on ground, sea and space, but in the shadows,  conspiracies grow unchecked. The players of the Game of Thrones are  placing their pawns for a new decisive confrontation, at the risk of  threatening everything built in the last millennia.
And in the  Void, something ancient has woken up. A being of unimaginable power,  whose power may well be able to condemn humanity to a new age of ice and  death...
Chapter 1 of the Dying Peace Arc, Omens of War, has been updated!
Maps of the timeline are updated on alternate history.

The Weaver Option: a Warhammer 40000/Worm crossover.
It is the 45th millennium and all is lost.
Humanity,  Chaos and all the living races of the Milky Way have fought with the  fury of the damned, but the merciless Tyranids have wiped out their  resistance, planet after planet. Holy Terra and the last fortresses  remaining are condemned to die, last beacons of light in an ocean of  void.
In desperation, Tzeentch orders a last gambit: cross the  veil between dimensions and find a champion which will be able to  counter the trillions of Tyranids before everything is devoured. But the  ritual does not go as planned...and now the future of the galaxy is  uncertain.
There is only war among the stars, and the laughter of thirsting gods...
Arc 1 Arrival is finished.

Arc 2 Peril is ongoing.

The Dance is not over: an AU ASOIAF story.
The  Dance of the Dragons. The most destructive conflict Westeros had ever  known before the War of the Five Kings. Half-siblings King Aegon II and  Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen fought each other to sit on the Iron Throne.  Dragons battled each other in the skies. Cities burnt. Lands were  ravaged by hungry armies. In the shadows, assassins, treasons and  murders reigned. It was a time of chaos, where the order imposed by the  Targaryen dynasty and the might of the dragons collapsed.
In the  end, neither of the pretenders emerged victorious, both perishing and  leaving the last young son of Rhaenyra take the throne of Aegon the  Conqueror under the name Aegon III. Promises were made, a regency  council was formed, and the divisions between the blacks and the greens  were mended after a long and cruel winter.
But what if it had not  happened? In this story, the courage of a young dragonrider proves the  downfall of King Aegon II Targaryen at Dragonstone, unleashing a series  of events which might change the kingdom forever.
Before snow and  the winds of winter makes military campaigns impossible, the green and  the blacks are going to settle their differences one for all on the  battlefield. And the peace brought by the end of this Dance may only be  found into the calm embrace of a grave...

The odds were never in my favour: an AU Harry Potter story.
The  ten years she lived at 4 Privet Drive have been hell for Alexandra  Victoria Potter. With an uncle, an aunt and a cousin willing to make her  life as miserable as possible, Alexandra counts the days until she will  be an adult and will be finally able to leave the Dursleys behind  forever. So when a owl comes carrying a letter from a school of magic,  Alexandra jumps on the occasion to leave Privet Drive for nine months.
But  will the solution not be worse than the problem? The last member of her  family has not exactly left an outstanding reputation behind him, and  Hogwarts school reveals itself far more dangerous than she had ever  imagined. With a manipulative Headmaster, an arrogant boy famous for  having vanquished a Dark Lord and a mysterious organisation lurking in  the shadows, the year is not going to be boring.
When your reality is far more challenging than a book of Tolkien, then you can begin to worry...
Arc 1 Alexandra and the Shadow of the Exchequer is finished.
Arc 2 is ongoing!

The End of Times: an AU ASOAIF/Warhammer crossover.
For  three hundred years the Targaryens have reigned over the Seven  Kingdoms. Despite the Blackfyres Rebellions, despite the loss of their  dragons, despite the civil wars, famines and epidemics the descendants  of Aegon the Conqueror have managed to keep the realm united.
Until now.
The  power of the Faith of Seven has never reached in the cold North and the  Iron Islands. The hunt to burn dangerous heretics is continuing to the  present days.
Old feuds have not been forgotten. Ambitious nobles  still conspire and elaborate plots to rise closer to the Iron Throne and  absolute power.
On the other side of the Narrow Sea, old foes plot their revenge.
Omens of disaster multiply, from a bloody comet to unnatural phenomena, baffling the maesters of the Citadel.
This is a time of darkness, treachery, murder, disunion and cowardice.
This is the End of Times.


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