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Okay, here is the chapter 29 of an Impractical Guide to Godhood, unbetaed, The Empire Strikes Back.

Fair warning: this chapter gets really, really dark, real fast, and then it gets darker.

Commodus is particularly evil...and well, he is a very unpleasant individual.

So yes, considers everyone warned.

Otherwise all the caveats about madness and outrageous betrayals apply.

May the Suicide Squad have mercy, for the Gods won't...



Oh man, I feel really bad for Piper. Hopefully Perseus and co can rescue her in a suitably evil fashion


Commodus I had such HIGH HOPES, you have betrayed me! Now die like all the fools before you when your slaves backstab you. Idiot is not even keeping them in cages under guard. I think the Sire main goal was pissing off the moon goddesses. She could easily be baited to do something epically stupid or should I say more stupid? While I suspect there is a hidden ritual of Sire in this mess that needs at least a certain number of cat girls and my gut says that number has already been reached. Now every hunteress caught in this trap is now a nice bonus. In the unlikely event Commodus won his game and challenges the god I see him losing being turned into a monster(I mean the masses will be calling him one with this stunt) with his pride coming back as servants for SIre. PS: Be Careful when you curse someone never know if you will hit unintended targets...


You mean comedic fashion, I think. Well, it doesn't prevent evil, of course...it is Perseus Jackson the Tyrant we're speaking about!


To be honest, the ex-Huntresses and the other girls can't exactly kill him in his sleep, unlike practically every other 'normal' slave in history. His greatest mistake, to be honest, was likely more to piss off Perseus and the Suicide Squad, and not be able to finish the job here and there. Now they know Commodus' plan, first step always worked, but there are many other steps waiting... As for the Sire of Drakons, what he searched for had nothing to do with numbers, I'm afraid.


Not sure if it has been brought up... but from a 'Story' perspective would not having 'charmsong' to lure in the Huntress also have created a grain of sand in the gears of Commodus' plan.