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Friends, the time has come, once again, to begin the cycle of eternal war.

I'm going to re-read the chapter once again to be sure there aren't any egregious mistakes, but no matter what, this is the day.

Update time will come in a few hours.

You can also acknowledge this post as the announcement I am going to commit myself to write the (obviously epic) Legacy of Change chapter that is going to follow Hell Garden.

Expect not-teasers and some malicious cliffhangers along the way (ignore the cackling the Ruinous Powers in the distance, please).

The time has come. Ave Imperator!


Gabriel Meadow

Ave Imperator! On the plus side, Taylor's Atlas problem will likely be solved for her. On the downside, Abaddon clearly thinks Malicia will get something out of this and I don't like the sound of that. As for Abaddon's plan... it sounds like he's banking on the Reign of Terror tying up the Imperium so he can work on extricating the Black Legion from the Eye unhindered.


That's a good idea on what he could be planning and we know Malicia still has the hourglass that let her go escape the eye of terror.