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Here it is, the final version of the most recent adventure.

It is complete, I swear. May a great vulture of blue feathers eat my nonexistent soul if I lie!

No destruction? No apocalypse?


Then let's go on a rampage, in the name of Anarchy and everything that is unholy.

I will likely begin writing the next chapter of The odds were never in my favour on Monday, and this should keep me busy most of the week. After that, a week-end of break, and I will decide what I will focus on for the rest of May and the entirety of June...

And remember.

Death to Chaos!



Looks like Abaddon is planing for the great escape with Black legion from the Eye of Terror. Will be interesting to see how it will go. Khorne do already have a stronghold outside the eye and it will be interesting to see how the other parasite will do to create there own stronghold outside the eye


I'm sorta iffy on the great escape idea. I think it might be his backup plan. No I think he going to throw a rule that chaos is bound to as a chain which the rats will break causing all the god's to suffer. Remember a new order has to replace chaos undivided.


Thanks for the new chapter. Quite a lot of plans have been ruined or forced to be heavily modified; we'll see what emerges from the chaos.