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Here we go for another not-teaser of 2024!

As always it is fair to say this is not a chapter, and it doesn't relate to any amusing world on a planet that is not categorised as 'Death World'.

It has nothing to do with a Hell Garden either.

Still, with me?

I've just begun the writing yesterday, so everything is still rough (and unbetaed, uncorrected, whatever) but this will be refined in due time.

For the good news, if you're all patient and good readers, more not-teasers will come.

On the side of the bad news...nothing to do with TWO, but my beta for The odds were never in my favour has yet to answer me this month, and I hope nothing too bad happened to her.

I hope there will be a positive answer, and not just because I don't want to post unbetaed chapters or other stuff. Health must always have the priority over fanfiction.

Also a point which is brought now since there have been several codexes of the 10th edition arriving...while thanks to a patron here, I had access to a mega folder where the codex were regularly updated. It doesn't seem to be the case anymore. If someone is aware of an archive where the new codexes are available (Ork and Custodes for example) you can directly message me.

While I can technically buy the codexes one by one, I read them mostly for the lore these days, not the gameplay. As such, it really annoys me to not be aware of the recent lore, even if I have noted some decrease of quality from GW in several directions...

Anyway. Writing continues, united Mankind will conquer the stars. For the Man-Emperor, brothers!



"No one, sadly, had thought to predict what it would mean if a Tyranid Hive Fleet turned its malevolent instincts to a defensive strategy." I thought about it and laughed you blow the world up. Unless the ground forces can hold and halt Tyranid ecosystem spread, so that the navy can turn its lances on the planet, it is far less costly to wipe everything out. Sicking yes, but a Tyranid Fleet that bio-style is a defensive attrition spread? Yeah, do not see many races able to stop that unless they have the Irish luck or are simply able to overwhelm the Tyranids forces.


Thanks for the teaser. There was one small thing that jumped out at me. In the intro text you say "the names of the fallen, both Nyxian and non-Nyxian, are carved forever on the third floor of the Hagia Sanguinala." Carving the names of the individuals who died seems not at all like the Imperium. I would expect a memorial but not the individual names. Has Taylor had enough influence that Nyx has started remembering individuals in its monuments? Also, just how many names are in the Hagia Sanguinala if the dead from Taylor's campaigns over a couple of millennia are all listed individually?


Considering Taylor has only ruled for 30 years now, Nyx's culture will be a lot different at the end of the First Age so culture can change in the future. I think the memorial is more Vietnam War style. Kinda fitting since Catachan operation is kinda similar to the Vietnam War in 40k.


So for toad bombs how well do they penetrate armor?


Love this and impractical guide to godhood great stories. Such a great quote and cliff hanger. “And if things don’t proceed to your satisfaction, Boss?” “Why then,” the Tyrant grinned, “I will have no choice but to show why you don’t back a villain into a corner. I will claim the Titan of Sin’s mantle, and allies or foes, all will love me and despair.”