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Praise the Tyrant and Holy Madness!

Once again, your beloved leader of the Suicide Squad is back to explain to you how he has become invincible (truly).

A lot of beings were (probably) harmed in the process, but who cares?

The writing is almost over, so you will likely get the full chapter soon (this teaser being 15,000 words-long).

Don't forget to blame Hera and several other parties, for everything is their fault, unless it's the Triumvirate's (to not recognise when they are beaten).

Now here we go!



A very interesting teaser and it would be fun to see more of the Atlantean family and their interactions with your intrepid protagonist! Is the new Charybdis/OC going to fill a more traditionally heroic child of Poseidon role in the story? Also very eager to speculate about your third Augustus! a connection to Mithras would give connotations of Light, Justice, War and Mystery with links to the east and Iran hmmm… also likely to be a later Roman figure probably with a strong martial nature but probably pre Christianization of the Empire and maybe with a campaign or two in Persia and Britain I’m guessing one of the Crisis or Tetrachy soldier Emperors or one of their heirs maybe Decius, Probus, Gallienus, Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian, Diocletian, Constantius Chlorus or Julian the Philosopher perhaps. Certainly if you went with Aurelian you could get some very good plot hooks maybe betrayal by Jupiter or Sol Invictus and maybe even include Zenobia of Palmyra and Odaenathus either way the future seems most interesting!!! Thanks author


What a shocker that someone plans on dealing with the Huntress Army. I mean it was hinted that Sire is all about beasts and the hunters you know kill them. The only thing I think of number-wise is that nine sacred to Sire, that or a complete wipe-out of the huntresses is a symbol in and of itself that Sire wants. Still, this could favor our madman short term given that they all want him dead. Long term it looks like Sire is gathering pieces from every side under his aegis. O, please you moron you should save your WIFE 1st, honestly my opinion of you just dropped like a rock. The Romans know how weak goddesses are when they gain immortality!


Since you have made such an epic post, I can confirm that yes, the Third Augustus is among the names you mentioned. Thanks for the support!


Yes, in hindsight, it is somewhat obvious. You don't leave a threat like that in your back, not if you have any choice. As for Marcus Antonius, well, he is also incredibly vulnerable too. Isis won't die at the end of it; he can't exactly say the same...