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I'm going to do one more re-reading after lunch, but after more than twenty-four hours of correction and exchanges, I'm pretty satisfied by the final version of a certain update which might or not might include Decay, and which has been long awaited by the readers.

So barring some disaster or divine intervention of the Man-Emperor of Mankind, you can assume safely that the Adjutant-Spiders will be on schedule to update this new chapter officially before tonight.

You can praise the Swarm and the Webmistress in all humility.

All joking aside, this pause has been arrived in good time, because I admit I really have a large writer block on Let the Galaxy Burn and The End of Times. The muses are deeply uncooperative, these days.

At least the good news I can confirm is that a certain stroll in a hell garden is going to begin before the end of April, for a variety of reasons.



Alex S

Disappointed with no Let the Galaxy Burn, its why I signed up for Patreon, but I get sometimes the muse in uncooperative


Those muses of author should have been fired years ago, given that LtGB wasn't updated since 21' :( The only consolation could be fact, that MArtin still beats Antony in terms of time between updates