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Hi guys,
How is everybody doing?


This past week I have finally managed to finish posing all the animations for Tris. Next week I'll start working on a few other events that include Darlene, Katrina and if there is time I'll start working on Charlotte's main event this episode which will also include a bunch of animations. 

That being said, the progress is really slow, but hopefully once I'm done with the animations things will get better.




Bob Fink

Sounds like an awesome update ahead for us, and I love the Triss tease above, very well done!


When will you upload No More Money season 3 on steam?

Undead Dragon

Give jason a chance to get though the season first. He's doing fantastic job considering. And at least he is still working through and giving us updates conpared to other creators that have done nothing in a while, with no updates at all. Weekley updates is great and has asked about our feelings of having a bigger update or a smaller one. And then even said he will split this episode so it does not go beyond his 2 month an episode wait. Which i think is more than fair. But i personally wouldnt mind waiting longer for a episode or complete game. As long as it has the normal polish compared to all AAA massive publisher games. That are completely ruined on release and do not work. Keep up the great work jason. Cant wait for the episode upon release 🤜🤛💪