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Hi guys,
How is everybody doing?


This week I have finally managed to finish more or less the text. There are still a few things I need to adjust, like fixing a few events and getting the whole episode proof-readed, but the hard part is done. I'll get more things done once I start doing the renders. Usually while I'm preparing the scenes I make a few small changes to the text, that's why the writing is only at 90%.

Officially this episode is going to be the biggest so far. There are more than 1000 scenes I need to prepare, out of which more than 100 are animations and I'm not talking about those cinematics/panning images. I'm talking about actual animations.
That's why next week I'll be working on the animations first, so that I can let my machine render the animations while I'm working on other things.


Since I live in an Eastern European where the Easter will be celebrated one week later, next week I won't be posting anything, because I'll travel to visit my family, however the whole week I'll be working on the animations and I'll keep you updated daily on discord.

That being said I wish to everybody celebrating Easter a Happy Holidays. Also I have prepared a small gift for you. A 4K render with the top 2 ladies of the game. (Check the second image of the post)





Thanks for the news, you're making really good progress. Have a great time with your family this Easter!


Great Easter Render! Happy Easter!