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Hi guys,
How is everybody doing? 


This past week I've managed to do quite some work. I managed to write a few events and I can honestly say that I'm excited to release this episode. I'm sure that everybody will enjoy this one, especially since it will have all the girls in it.

At the moment I have managed to write the events that involve Tris, Bea, Katrina and Darlene. I still got work to do for Charlotte, Denise, Lisa, Lauren, Emma and a little bit of Sheila.


Some of you know might know that the first goal for this patreon page was to reach 4.000$, so I could quit my job and start doing this as a full time job. It's not the first time we crossed this bridge, but now it's finally looking like it's consistent, so that means I can finally quit my job and do this full time. For that I am thankful to all my patrons.
This morning I handed my resignation letter, but I'm still legally required to work 2 more weeks.

So let's talk about what doing this as a full time job would mean.

Well when I started this page and I have set this goal, I was working only 2-4 hours a day on the game so working at least 8 hours seemed great, however for almost two years, I have managed to work 6-8 hours on the game and 4-6 hours on my job, which resulted in me staying in the office 12-14 hours daily. Because of that I have started to have some health issues, nothing too serious, so no need to worry, just something stress related.

So now that I can finally do this full time I can finally start working like a normal person (8-10 hours). This means that the episodes are going to be more frequent, but I don't know how much of an improvement one or two more hours will make, but we'll see.

My next goal would be to hire more people to help me with the development, so that we can make bigger updates way much faster. For the past 6 months I've been contacting different artists and some renders you have seen in the last 2 chapters of No More Money, were made by other people, however I haven't found the right guy for the job, but you'll hear more about this when we get close to our next goal.

That being said, I wish you all an awesome weekend and thank you again for everything.





Sounds good! Keep it up! It's unbelievable that you've been able to make such huge progress during all this time and even be able to resign. I wish you success and all the best1


Jason, Congrats! Please add in good, healthy activities so that you are getting up from your keyboard and keeping up a strong, healthy heart. You are telling us a great story and we want you to not just survive the journey but to thrive while tell us this story!