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Hi guys,
How are you doing? I hope everybody is doing fine. First of all I want to apologize for not posting anything last week, but I was so busy with a project at work, that I didn't had time to do anything on the game.


However this week I have done a lot of renders and next week I am going to take a few days off so I can work on the game even more. 

I am a little bit behind schedule, but I still intend to release the game this month. I'm doing my best to get back on track. I have pushed the release for the update long enough.

Also because of the week I was unable to work, I can't work both on the game and the launcher. So since the game is more important for now you will still have to download the whole game over and over again, but hopefully it will be done soon. 

You might realize that the "Animations" progress bar is barely moving, that's because I had some problems with the machine that was rendering the animations, but this morning I managed to fix it so now we should be back on track and once the still images are rendered I will use both machines to render the animations.

Anyway, I should get back to work now.
See you next Friday.





Ok, don't worry about delays! You will succeed. Keep going at your own pace and keep us updated!

Jonny Boy NY

All good Jason. Keep at it and no rush. Looking forward to the next chapter of the game when ready. Cheers!