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Hi guys,
Season 2 episode 4 is almost done. I only have to do some more debugging, but unfortunately I caught a cold during the Christmas holidays and I've been in bed for most of this week. I tried to finish it today, but I'm starting to feel the fever so I will have to go back in bed.

Some of you asked me how the release schedule will be. Well usually I release the game for 40$ patrons and then after 5 days I do the release for +5$ patrons. This month will be different, since I want everybody who paid me this month to play the game.
If I finish the game tomorrow the 40$ patrons will get it then and the +5$ patrons will get it on 31th or everybody will get it on 31th December.

Best regards,



It's a shame the cold affected your workflow. Get well and gain strength, the main thing is not to overexert yourself now.


<p style="color: #008600;">I wish you a speedy recovery. Yes, now is the season of colds, be careful and take good care of yourself! P.S. Some time has already passed since the publication of this post. I hope you're feeling better already!</p>