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Hi guys and gals,
It's been a week since I released the the second episode of the second season.

During this time my focus was on the community and preparing the next episode. It's very important for me to see what the people think about the game so that I can improve it.

I was a bit surprised when I saw that a big number of person were not pleased with this episode for plenty of reasons, but I want to make some things clear.

This episode was a bit smaller than other huge episodes I created, because it's very hard for me to create longer episodes since this isn't my main job.
So probably until I can do this full time, the episodes will be around this size, maybe bigger, but by much. The only thing that will stay the same is the monthly updates. I think this is important, because since my patrons are paying me monthly it's only fair to return the favor.

Starting with episode 3 till we reach the point everybody is waiting, my main focus will be Charlotte and Tris. Most of the content will be about them and the story, then I will add one more girl (or two in the case of Lisa & Lauren) for each episode.
However I will NOT rush the story for Charlotte and Tris. Like I said many times before this game is about a story. I want players to love/hate/like/dislike/appreciate the characters I'm painting. I want to make the characters feel alive, that's why I focus so much on their background stories, personalities and aspirations. I'm trying my best to create complex characters, with real emotions and problems.

This game is not about sex. This game is about a story and we finally started to spin the wheels for the main story. Up till last episode it was mainly the introduction, however now we're getting somewhere. This is the point where the game is going to become more interesting, but like I said, the main reason for the mc to be alive is not to have sex with as many girls as possible. Yes that will happen, but that's not all he'll do.

As for episode 3 of the second season. I have everything planned and today I'll start writing the text. In this episode I'm focusing on : Charlotte, Tris, Emma and since Denise is going to stay in the house for a few more days, well she'll get a little bit of screen time too.
However there are characters that are important for the story like Sheila, Darlene and Katrina, so they will also appear in the next episode. 

I can't say how big this next episode is going to be, but the plan is quite big. I just hope I won't end up with a monster because that means sleepless nights.

Best regards,




Oh, the main thing is not to really become a monster or a zombie, since you have a lot of work ahead of you)) You can handle it!


There are more than enough games that are all about Sex but it gets boring. I love the Story focus on your game! Can’t wait to see how things with these two beauties go on. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you’ll be able to do it fulltime one day :)