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Hi guys,

First of all I want to thank you all for your support during the first season of No More Money. Working on this game was really nice and the fact that I could see people enjoying my work meant a lot for me.

I know the game is not perfect, but I'm doing my best.


Most of you have already played last episode and know that Episode 1 of Season 2 will come only in September. 

As you know I'm trying to do monthly updates and I will keep this pace, however because of RoyalCandy, my last holidays were in 2019, that's why this month I won't do much work. 

As soon as I restart working on this game I will let you know. 

Season 2 Episode 1 will come by the end of September.

Best regards,



Bob Fink

Enjoy your vacation! Looking forward to seeing how things go in season 2.

Mark Blythe

Take all the time you need we will wait however long