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Hi guys,

I hope you're all fine. 


Last week I planned the upcoming few events. For now I only wrote the text for an event with Charlotte, one with Tris and the first day of work in each place.

I have already started to work on the renders and if there is still time I will start writing a few more events that are already planned.


Because this game will be updated on a monthly basis I'm not planning an episode. I'm just planning all the events. I know more or less how much I want to cover in an episode, but if I feel like it is too thin I will keep on adding for that episode, or if we're getting close to the end of the month and there is still plenty of work to do I'm moving it to the next episode, so I can release the game. 

What I'm looking for is 30 minutes - 60 minutes for each episode.


I noticed some of you already have favorites, while others just want to have them all, so let me explain how the girls receive content. 

We have four tiers.

Level 1 (Charlotte and Tris)
- are the girls that will receive the most content.
- if one main girl will get content all of the girls in the first tier will get the same amount of content in the same episode
* I'm open to the idea of introducing a new character. Maybe once the attic will be renovated a "childhood friend" might appear and live with you

Level 2 (Emma, Lisa, Lauren)
- are the girls that might have a love story with our mc
- some girls might have more events in an episode than others, but in the end all the level 2 girls will have the same amount of content
* This list is not finish. There will be more characters added to this level

Level 3 (Darlene and Katrina)
- this level is a little bit more complicated to explain, but the main idea is that both of them will have the same amount of content.
- because you are forced to choose a path you'll only see one side of the story, but for the love part you'll get a chance to have them both no matter the job you choose
* I will not add any more characters on this tier

Level 4 (Episodic characters)
- meet n fuck type of characters
- from time to time I will introduce new characters in the game that will be only episodic, usually it has something to do with the job, but as soon as the episode is done you will forget about them.
* At the moment there aren't any characters for this tier


Some people already asked me about the endings. For now I'm still planning the game so I cannot say for sure how many endings will be. The end of this game is still far away, but if you played my first game No More Secrets, you know already that I'm creating many endings based on your choices.

Each LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 girl will have her own solo ending.
For LEVEL 3 you'll have an end with both of them. 

As for the harem type of endings, I just don't know yet how to combine the girls, but there is a chance of full harem for the first three levels, but also some other combinations.
The thing I'm trying to avoid is rushing the end and force something (like I did in No More Secrets). I'm trying to make the game to feel as natural and interesting as possible. 

I just can't create an end in which Tris agrees to share the MC with Emma given the fact that she hates her, so for that I need to create events and situations in which they will get along and so on.

Best regards,



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