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Hi guys,

I know that some of you didn't like the fact that you had to search for buttons in the scene, because it was not too intuitive.

I just finished the new UI. From now on there will be a footer which will be split in two. On the left side you have the navigation part. The rooms you can go to from the current one, while on the right side you have all the actions you can perform in that rom.

Also the Skip Time button will appear always except for when it's late night. In that case you'll need to go in your room and sleep.

The previous way of navigating in the scenes will still be available, so that means if you want to leave the room you either click on the door or you can click the button to leave it. The same thing goes for everything else.

Reading your comments I came up with a solution that could work well. Having all the rooms in the footer and the actions you can perform in one room might look bad on the eye, so I decided to split the house in 3.
1. First floor : Livingroom, bathroom, Christine's room and dinning room
2. Second floor : Hallway, Justin's room, Bathroom and Jackie's room
3. Yard: Back Yard, Front Yard, Patio and Tools Room.
Also the first button for every building will always be the City, where you can go to the map.
The first 8 buttons will be available in every room of that floor. If you are in the bathroom you can still go in the yard or directly to Christine's room.

On the left side there will be the activites you can do in each room.

I hope you like this design better.

Best regards,




Just put an icon i. E. Star in the room where you can interact. Better ofc if you manage to put in a tiny Pic of the lady/guy you can talk to. So at least you see where the people are


I'm working on a solution. I might come with an update tomorrow. But the big idea is to split the rooms on floors. For example when you're on a room on the first floor you have access to go to the city, second floor, yard and every room on that floor. If you're on the second floor you have access to first city, first floor, yard and every room of the second floor. And on top of that to have icons for each one of the actions/person that you can interact with


The new UI is a nice improvement over the original. For me, I will need some time playing the next rev with the new UI to get used to it but I'm sure that it will become intuitive in no time.


You get used to it quite fast. Today I moved the whole house to the new design and played a little bit. The first few minutes where strange, but I got used to it. However the things that annoys me at the moment are the old buttons. The scene seems too busy when you have both methods, so I might remove the previous way of navigating, because it’s too much.