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Hi there guys,

As you know the first version was already released for quite some time already and most of the people managed to make their own impressions about this game.

I also managed to take a look on some forums about this game and there were quite some hate regarding the game being a sandbox and about the NTR. So I want to make this right.


A few months ago I created a poll and cuckold (where the mc is watching is lover) was not voted, but cheating and cuckold(where you're the one to have the fun) was voted. 

So that's exactly what I was going to do, because in my opinion cuckold is when your girlfriend/wife is doing some nasty things with another man and you see. However I didn't realised that for some of you cuckold also mean that if you're interested in a girl, but she has a boyfriend she's not allowed to do anything with him.

So to fix that in the next version of the game I will add another menu at the beginning of the game where you get to choose if you want to be able to see what the girls are doing with their partners. So I think this should resolve this problem, as for removing their boyfriends I won't do that because my patrons voted they want to have cheating possible. By cheating I mean they want to have fun with the girls of other men, your girls won't cheat on you.

As for Adam, he's your landlady's boyfriend and there is a quest called Man Of The House. That's the quest you get rid of him. Like most of the games there has to be an enemy, well in this game that enemy is Adam. 


As for this part, I'm not sure I want to change it, however I will create a poll for my patrons and let them decide, because most of them supported me for a few months without expecting anything in return and I have to make right by them.

As most of my polls each pledge will have a different score.

Best regards,




Defo prefer the sandbox. You already put a lot of effort into it.


I know that I have worked a few months like 12h/day(main job + game) to make this work, but if I’m gonna do this as fulltime I’ll need patrons and I can’t get patrons if people don’t enjoy the game. What I like about the sandbox are the endless opportunities to expand the game, however moving to a visual novel might allow me to focus more on the main story, so either way works for me as long as my patrons and future patrons are happy, becaus this isn’t about how many hours I have put in this game, but how many hours you’ll enjoy playing this game


I like the story where the MC wins over the women from other guys because they are a--holes or cheating on their girlfriends (what Brian did in NMS). I think that your solution to offer an option to show/hide what the ladies are doing with the guy they are currently with is a good compromise. Thanks for the update! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!