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Hi there guys,
I hope you all have a wonderful day.


The first version of the game is almost completed. I've done more or less everything that is to be done. I just need to integrate a few elements here and there, put some music in some events and then do another checkup on the code to make sure everything is in place.

After that we'll start the testing part, which I'm not sure what to expect, because it's my first sandbox game and to be honest it was quite a ride, but I hope everything should be just fine.


Given the fact that we reached this stage of development I can say that this is the last Update Tuesday till the release, so next week we'll have the game. Can't say what exact day because I'm not sure what bugs to expect, but I haven't used any library so every bit of code is custom made for this game which means that if something breaks I should be able to fix easily because I know everything very well.


It's been almost 5 months since we released the last version of No More Secrets and even though I haven't gave you anything some of you decided to keep supporting me, which means a lot to me. I want to appreciate you all and I would not be able to make this game without you.

As you know every time I do a release the 40$ patrons get the game 5 days earlier, however this time to show you my gratitude if your support has reached 40$ in this 5 months, even though your current pledge is lower I'm going to give you a private message with the download link.

Best regards,




God dammit xD I don't think i have 40$ in these 5 months xD i've lowerd it in august xD and will reup it in january xD Ah i'll wait a bit but i'm SUPER HYPED