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Morning guys,

I know it's already Wednesday, but I've been working like crazy yesterday both on the game and on my current job and didn't realised it was already Tuesday.

Anyway... I want to let you know that I hear you. I've been reading your comments and messages and I want to apologize. You're right, I'm eager to start working on the next game because I have so many good ideas and I didn't do my best with episode 9. It was a little bit rushed, but I'm going to fix that with the upcoming two episodes. 

Last week I've been doing big changes on the text for Episode 10 and I'm still working on that. I've been adding more events which will lead into a more realistic and natural progress with the girls. 

That being said, I'm sorry I disappointed you,




dont worry bro, btw what about part 3 of ep9? you did miss to give us detail about that release or did you cut part 3 into ep10=?


Please update game with more content and animations.