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Seems like there is a considerable amount of effort being put into apprehending Elizabeth.

Alright, update time; scenes 1 through 5 of Part 1 are basically done, and only two more scenes are left to do. Scene 6 is probably going to be the most involved scene just because of the number of animated models that are going to be in it (ten) but Scene 7 is going to be fairly short. All in all, while I was hoping to have Part 1 basically complete by now, I am still pleased with the amount of it that I have finished so far.

Unfortunately, my production schedule for the next week is not looking great as there are some family matters that I must attend to so I won't have as much time to work on the project. Hopefully this doesn't slow things down too much.

Also, I'm not sure about the Blackwidow model that I am using. The model itself is great asides from the fact that it doesn't have phonemes so I can't easily do lip-syncing with it; though it does have a relatively high poly count so it does eat up SFM's memory budget more than most other models. It's just that the model is pretty obviously based on Scarlett Johansson and I'm not really a fan of using models that are directly based on a real person's appearance and this model is definitely pushing it.



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