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  • Crew Performance Review HQ.mp4



Commander Shepard runs a tight ship and any crew who don't meet expectations need to be removed in order to make room for those who will.

"Make a note, eight additional crew have been reassigned to the captain's breast and butt fat"

Alright, finally got this one done; I ran into some technical issues with regards to doing anything with audio causing SFM to crash; this was rectified by removing outfits from half of the prey models and since Source works in mysterious ways, that solved the problem. Left me really burned out doing the audio though because of how long it took for me to figure out the issue. 

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy the animation and, as always, feel free to share any thoughts or ideas that you have.

If you have not voted in the September 14th Poll, then please do so as soon as possible as it will be ending Sunday, October 8th at 11:59pm MDT.




I liked it. It was pretty varied ways for the prey to get eaten for traditional oral vore and the shot of her laying in bed with the bloated belly was a fun way to end it.