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  • Flexible Meal Plan 1 HQ.mp4



A beach is a great place to relax, until the big lady down the way starts looking at you hungrily.

And here is the animation and looks like I am still keeping up the pace on finishing animations. I am overall happy with the results, though I feel like the leg kicking was maybe a bit too fast. I also experimented with some different ways of animating things and I am overall happy with the results; I also decided to take advantage of Elastigirl's "flexibility" for some more uncomfortable poses, which will probably be a running theme for Flexible Meal Plan going forward as I do intend on making it a little series of animations.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy the animation and, as always, feel free to share any thoughts or ideas that you have.

If you have not voted in the August 3rd Poll, please do so as soon as possible as it will be ending Friday, August 11th at 11:59pm MDT.



Christoper Cross

Now thats a twist I can get behind


I didn't expect to see two Voreception sequences so close to each other. Are this and the Hilda animation the only times you've done the trope?