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  • The Legend of Hilda HQ.mp4



It seems that Zelda's Lorule counterpart, Hilda, has gotten jealous of being left out of the spotlight and seeks to rectify that.

And here is the animation; I was hoping to have this finished and out a couple of days earlier, but I got hit by a heat wave where I live and the room that my computer is in can get quite hot and uncomfortable to work in so that slowed my pace down a bit (it is rather comfortable in the winter though). I am pretty happy with the final results though; I changed up my animation process a bit and I think that it did improve the final product a bit (let me know if you guys notice any difference).

Anyway, I am overall pleased with the results, obviously still lots of room for improvement.

I hope that you enjoy the animation and, as always, feel free to share any thoughts or ideas that you have.

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