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Alright, so a while back I made a post about how I was working on an interactive vore story using Twine (https://www.patreon.com/posts/so-i-started-46682551). Anyway, I finally got around to doing more work on it after doing some more figuring out with how to use variables in Twine. The story is still far from complete with only the first night being finished. That said I am throwing it out to you guys to see what y'all think; stuff like what sort of passages you like or don't like and to see if there is anything I missed such as variables and passages not working properly or even things as simple as spelling and grammar errors.

So, what  exactly is the story? It is in the classic choose your own adventure second person perspective, which is pretty much what this is, a choose your own adventure style story, but with vore. As much as I wish I could pull it off, this is not one of those full on text based adventure games/RPGs that people make in Twine; I can't even begin to contemplate taking on a project like that. Anyway, this has vore in it. The vore is soft and unwilling and there is
only female prey (nothing wrong with male prey, it's just not my cup of tea and I am even worse at writing it). As a result, there is a conspicuous lack of men, but you can pretend that they are there if you want. Additionally, the end of the completed part of the story does feature some semi graphically described digestion so if that is not your thing I did put bolded text before and after those paragraphs as a warning.

Anyway, in this story you take on the role of a giant gorilla that is definitely not King Kong. Currently there are 17 different prey and you can eat up to 10 of them. Overall at the moment who you eat does not currently have any impact on the story as the first night is somewhat linear and not particularly long. That said, there are a couple characters that if you eat them, it will cause you to spit out an article of clothing or an accessory belonging to them at a later point (not much later to be honest).

I do want to make it so that who you eat can have effects later on in the story or maybe there being consequences to leaving witnesses uneaten or generally going to crowded places where lots of people will see you. I also want to make it so that if you don't eat a character the first time you get an opportunity to, that they might show up later on instead of them just being tethered to a specific passage. I also want to generally add a fair number of locations for the player to visit.

Possible additions include scat/disposal, but I am kind of iffy on it and it will very much be something optional that can be avoided or turned off by the reader if I do add it. I'll also probably add a way to skip or turn off graphic descriptions of digestion as well. In addition, I am toying with the idea of there maybe being willing prey showing up.

Things that absolutely will not be added: 

Underage Prey; this should go without saying, but if they are not 18 years or older, then they will not be added to this story. There will be no debates about this; if you want to try and convince me otherwise I am just going to tell you to fuck off.

Rape; I don't even want to add vanilla sexual content to be honest, let alone anything involving no consent of dubious consent, so don't ask.

How to read:

Alright, to read to story, just download the HTML file attached to this post and then run it. Twine is nice and easy that way.


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