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  • Over Fed Rancor HQ.mp4



This May the 4th, Jabba has a special treat for the Rancor.

I was worried that I wouldn't get this done for May 4th, but then I crunched on it and got it done. I really need to manage my time better. With it being done a few days early, I'm releasing it to the $5+ patrons.

Anyway, the animation was a hoot to work on; this new Rancor model is a bit more finnicky to work with than the old one, but I feel like it is overall a much better model. Also always fun to feed 15 ladies to one big hungry monster.

Well, with this done, I can go back to focusing all of my energy on Part 3 of Foreseeable consequences.



Ezequiel Santana

Would you ever do a snacrifice where the monster has sex before eating the girl? I might be able to commission that