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Should I finish animations that I deem too sloppy?

  • Finish up animations and art regardless of what I deem low quality 195
  • Only post art that im happy with (this is what im currently doing) 85
  • 2024-05-29
  • 280 votes
{'title': 'Should I finish animations that I deem too sloppy?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Finish up animations and art regardless of what I deem low quality', 'votes': 195}, {'text': 'Only post art that im happy with (this is what im currently doing)', 'votes': 85}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 29, 17, 50, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 280}


Bit of a broad question I know, but as you know I only finish a project around once every month. I could probably post more however I always like to follow quality over quantity. Problems arise when I regard something as slop when others might actually enjoy it.

So here's the rundown. I usually make a couple of animations, maybe over the span of a few days and go on to pick the one that seems to have the best outlook for a finished project. The others are usually disregarded for one reason or another. Ill give an example of a project I would have scrapped that was done a few days back after I finished up making clothes for half a month (I'm new to clothing don't judge >:( 

The reason I was going to scrap this one is at this point I felt the animation was too stiff and I wasn't happy with the composition. Both of these would still have been tweaked and finished - however I felt that it wouldn't give a good enough result regardless.

So here is a gif of the animation

And a render of what the scene would overall look like (imagine a sort of training room, sun shining in from a large opening)

Again, I will always be quality over quantity. But you are the ones paying for it, so I feel that I should leave it up to you. If I did end up finishing these it would mean that there would be more posts each month but only 1/4 of them would be up to my "standard"


Tunnel Time

Maybe post them at what you consider slightly sub-par quality and see what people think. I think you had this same hangup with the balls on that Lethal Company monster and everyone said it was fine and couldn't tell the difference.

Simon Baker

even if this just turns into a blog post that you pay for ima still stay subscribed anything that makes you happy -w- 👍

juyeong park

You make one of the best contents I've ever seen, and as a coomer brained man starved for thicc bubblebutt alien gay daddies topping smaller men, I do NOT care if your content is little less pristine.. pump em out, and I will consume.. like a hungry hungry hippo.