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Magna Graecia

What new content is in this week and last week’s updates?

Magna Graecia

I'm using an older save, but it doesn't look like I have any options for Misty in surveillance. Just a red border around the screen. Do I need to start again?


Would you consider making a version with slightly lower rez images? I do not know if I speak for all of us, but I do not play this game on a 4K TV and do not need to have such high rez pictures. While downloading a 14GB file takes long and then you need to unzip it, which also takes long. At this pace the final game is going to weigh around 50-100GB...

Yuliya Kovach

We had such poll and I think it will be 50 GB. For now it is not 4k, it is just a 1080p, it is just high quality

Yuliya Kovach

Do you have different buttons than before? And also new stats in stats? With her stream she can change public resistance for stuffing or weight gain

Magna Graecia

No, there are no buttons. She just says what would you like me to do? And then a red border appears. I checked the stream.rpy code and it appears as though the options are commented out.


Started new save, still have the issue where there are no buttons in the stream