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I saw some news that Patreon will be changing how it manages fees, quoted:

"Starting December 18th, Patreon will apply a new service fee of 2.9% + $0.35 to each of your individual pledges. "

I'm not 100% clear on how this will affect all of us on the 18th, but I've seen quite a number of angry creators (and patrons) opposing it.

Regardless, I don't want you, my all-important Patrons, to have to pay more than you need to. If Patreon implements a 37.9% fee (basically 38 cents for a single dollar), I'm not sure that I support it either.

I do not blame any of you if you do not wish to remain here if this is what truly happens.

I will not be changing my Patreon prior to the date, but I need you to let me know if you suddenly get hit with additional fees and such.

I cannot stand the idea of the patrons who have been so kind to me being treated unfairly. If worse comes to worst, I may move away from Patreon in favor if a different platform, if there even is one.

Take care,



Ko Terada-Bellis

I'll happily continue to support you, though I understand how this would infuriate creators and supporters alike...