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Hello guys! I decided to change the progress reports to Fridays oficially so I can get more thigns done on Thursdays. Now to the news, the first one is that Lust Survivor is 99% finished, but still don't have a concrete release date.

You might be asking why we don't have a release date, the answer is simple the 1% we are missing are the assets from the sex scene in this version and the artist isn't answering so I'm hoping for an answer this week. Aside form that the game as you can see have a some better looking GUI we have "animated" stuff (not the sex scene sadly) but Lust Survivor is an improvement from Lust Colony in almost all aspects! I aim to have version 0.2 ready in June that will be the last of the slow versions of the game because of the sprites, but after that we can have more content and faster. 

For thos who want more Nicole you are finally getting more, since I'm just waiting for more stuff to arrive in Lust Survivor I started playing with the character models to get some inspiration of course I'll add more events for Cassandra, this version already had one but I want more and I guess you too. I'm pretty sure the next 2-3 weeks would be mostly NBNL time considering I'm waiting for sprites and the last scene for the other game. 

So I hope you like my desision to push the reports to Fridays, to be honest on Thursdays I do a lot of different things so the report killed the work flow in general. In other news I've started posting stuff daily on our twitter, so if you use that please follow us, I'm trying to get the algorithm to like me before we have a public version of Lust Survivor. 



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